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I was in a rush and it was 7:30am (an ungodly hour!).  Had a bit of a mountainous drive up into the Benahavis hills ahead of me; not the sort of drive for those with vertigo.  Mr C was playing golf and needed a lift.  I was going to spend the morning relaxing.

Walked into the hall and spotted something up on the wall.....IMG_1544

It looked big.

A bit too big in fact....

I got closer.  Yep, it's a big 'un

It jumped!  It bl**dy well went and jumped...!
Landed in the plant and I couldn't see it for love nor money.

6 hours I spent in that place with an escaped monster.

The blighter reappeared around 1am the next day RIGHT BY MY FOOT.
He'd been hiding under a sofa
It's a miracle I lived to tell the tale.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

God, it made me shudder and I'm in a different country...

So am I now.  And Pedro got evicted before I left

you do realise he's picking the locks and moving the family back in as we type though?

Nah.  Last seen clutching his passport and en route for Scotlandshire

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Crikey that's massive. Unfortunately I know which one of my family would have been the one to evict it.

And therein lies another story.


Mr. Cosi went and got a pint glass and a piece of paper to do the scoopy-uppy thing.  All the while he was muttering about ME not sorting it (I am Spider Grabber usually).


The glass wouldn't fit over Pedro - it was too small ... and boy could this spider move.  Like Usain Bolt of the arachnids.

Finally caught him with a wide necked jug followed by a quick flick over the balcony.



Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Crikey that's massive. Unfortunately I know which one of my family would have been the one to evict it.

And therein lies another story.


Mr. Cosi went and got a pint glass and a piece of paper to do the scoopy-uppy thing.  All the while he was muttering about ME not sorting it (I am Spider Grabber usually).


The glass wouldn't fit over Pedro - it was too small ... and boy could this spider move.  Like Usain Bolt of the arachnids.

Finally caught him with a wide necked jug followed by a quick flick over the balcony.



would love to have watched that. Did you see my spider tale from a few weeks back in the 'stuff' thread? I'm imagining the results if my spider had been the size of Pedro.


Apparently I was never scared of spiders when I was a toddler, mum always used to come and ask me to get them out of the bathroom for her.

I'd pick them up and put them outside, I think it was the way mum asked that turned me off them.


''C'mere, quick, get it , get IT, let me get away, don't get IT near me, get IT, get IT.GET IT, DON'T LET IT NEAR ME, GET IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.''


- There was always a lot of pointing and indecipherable squealings too.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

God, it made me shudder and I'm in a different country...

So am I now.  And Pedro got evicted before I left

you do realise he's picking the locks and moving the family back in as we type though?

Nah.  Last seen clutching his passport and en route for Scotlandshire

Aye... probably coming here to see his big bro...

Originally Posted by Cinds:

would love to have watched that. Did you see my spider tale from a few weeks back in the 'stuff' thread? I'm imagining the results if my spider had been the size of Pedro.

I'm going to scroll through and find it in a mo, Cinds



Mildred..! (JB), I'm chief (and only) spider catcher in this house.

Usually I just grab them with my bare hands and sling them out of the window.  I'd need hands like a navvy for Pedro though (once I'd stopped shrieking like your mum )

Originally Posted by Kaytee:

That was huge fecker...would I have stayed in the house? Not a chance 


Originally Posted by Baz:
What Kaytee said ^^^^^^^


Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



 that's one horrible eight legged fiend  I would have been on the next plane back 


I moved outside for the duration, don't you worry about that!

I hedged my bets and guessed that he was under the dresser in the hallway.  Wasn't expecting him to walk through the lounge and out onto the balcony nearly 20 hours later



Getting on a plane would have been overly drastic though;  not even Pedro could get me to do that willingly


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