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I didn't know whether to respond in this thread initially but I think I will.

Although it isn't nice, I can understand that after all this time things cannot go from how they were to being completely understanding on both sides from the die hards.

I think it's important for us to learn lessons from and not to get into arguments and never take sides as division only leads to strife Wink
Originally posted by Rafe:
I didn't know whether to respond in this thread initially but I think I will.

Although it isn't nice, I can understand that after all this time things cannot go from how they were to being completely understanding on both sides from the die hards.

I think it's important for us to learn lessons from and not to get into arguments and never take sides as division only leads to strife Wink

I nominate you as forum Gandhi
Originally posted by Rafe:
I didn't know whether to respond in this thread initially but I think I will.

Although it isn't nice, I can understand that after all this time things cannot go from how they were to being completely understanding on both sides from the die hards.

I think it's important for us to learn lessons from and not to get into arguments and never take sides as division only leads to strife Wink

Very true ... but it's unlikely that the same broohaahaa would have been caused if the kids collecting at the check-outs were wearing the local football or rugby teams' jerseys ... It's the kids I feel sorry for ... all that's in their minds is playing sport and fund-raising for their club ... and too young to understand the political connotations ... Frowner
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:

How in under God can NI move forward when the very people elected to run our country are as biggoted as this. As a Catholic and a GAA fan I am absolutley disgusted.
You always do these kind of threads Irish - Princess

This one is very close to home but marg, I can't explain how disgusted I am at the minute.
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:

How in under God can NI move forward when the very people elected to run our country are as biggoted as this. As a Catholic and a GAA fan I am absolutley disgusted.
You always do these kind of threads Irish - Princess

This one is very close to home but marg, I can't explain how disgusted I am at the minute.
Sorry Hug
Rafe, i know I am bias, but in recent years has any Nationalist endorsed act been as bad as that of the Holy Cross etc? They were children ages 7/8 harrassed going to school every day because they had to walk through a protestant neighbourhood to get to school, they were relted with missiles, had abuse shouted at them etc.

(Also, please don't bring up the recent RIRA shootings, the RIRA are widley regarded as shunned 'Republican' who represent no one only themselves)

I urge you if you have any interest in this to read that link I posted especially page 4 where there is a memeber of said club giving his very balanced opinion on it.

The point I am making is that a Counceller had the gall to complain about it and raise an issue to a group of 12 year old children who by en large missed out the troubles.
Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
But the Unionist community are making a big deal out of it. Nothing is said to staff in any establishment when poppys are worn etc. Also a few weeks previous to this there was an Orange Order Flute band in and there were no compaints. Its just another fine example of Nationalist oppression.

Didn't see any pizza-munchin' soldiers getting hurt Glance

What do you mean by that? The Loyalists continue to maim people in Northern Ireland you know and continue to rule with an iron fist. THAT is oppression at its worst.
biggoted, but incidents like these seem to follow the Unionists around like a bad smell.

Sorry me hinny but you lost me there.

Nowt against you or your beliefs but loonies exist everywhere...I know I am a big annoying mung bean knitter but...divvn't divide people...there are just 3 sets of ones....ok ones and gits.

Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
But the Unionist community are making a big deal out of it. Nothing is said to staff in any establishment when poppys are worn etc. Also a few weeks previous to this there was an Orange Order Flute band in and there were no compaints. Its just another fine example of Nationalist oppression.

Didn't see any pizza-munchin' soldiers getting hurt Glance

That is a disgusting comment to make and I am only noticing it now
well i have to agree with you Irish Princess, its always the nationalist community getting shunned or shut down as much as possible..Nothing changes, nothing ever does when it comes to Green vs Orange at home (i'm from Strabane Irish Princess, i am sure you know it as your only a wee run down the road from it in Derry)

Oh and just so we are clear ... BDO the comment about the soldiers - uncalled for and really not amusing at all.
Shake Head
"Councillor Adrian Watson from the Ulster Unionist party told the BBC he had passed complaints on to Tesco on behalf of some of his constituents.

His party colleague Drew Ritchie said Tesco needs to review its policy to assure charity collections do not cause offence."

So now you can be sure because of these offended poeple, that ALL clubs/charities will have to either where plain white tees or will no longer be able to collect in Tesco.

Way to go people. Way to go. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
The kids were wearing GAA shirts, that is the Gaelic Athletic Association in ireland which is Gaelic games such as Gaelic Football, Hurling, Camogie etc. It is typically associated with the nationalist/Catholic community but there are Protesstants who play it as well. The counceller made the complaint saying that it was offensive to shoppers who were not Catholic or Nationalist and requested the children change. The emphasis is that the actualy shirts had no sectarian slogans, logos or anything on them and they were representing their GAA club who were raising money for charity. Most weeks kids like scouts, soccer clubs etc wear their kits to the Tesco and bag pack for charity but when a GAA club go to do the same thing it's regarded as sectarian.

IMO there is only an issuse if you make one, I'm sure most people were only too happy to help out a charity and didn't think twice about the attire.

You do despair of ever leaving these bigoted entrenched attitudes behind. Its supposed to be about helping people, never mind whether they are Catholic, Protestant or whatever.
Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
Wasn't trying to be amusing

Just attempting in my hamfisted way to point out that the evil currents of moronic bigotry run both ways

I shall henceforth refrain from discussing religion and politics

Good idea (and your attempt at excusing what was actually just a disgusting and narrow minded comment is pathetic).
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
Wasn't trying to be amusing

Just attempting in my hamfisted way to point out that the evil currents of moronic bigotry run both ways

I shall henceforth refrain from discussing religion and politics

Good idea (and your attempt at excusing what was actually just a disgusting and narrow minded comment is pathetic).

Well Said Jasmine Clapping
Irish Princess - I fully understand your hurt and frustration, even though I do not live in NI I think the culprit here is Tesco! Bunch of bigoted idiots.
Originally posted by Neil3841:
Well tesco was spineless but why didn't the people in charge of the kids refuse and tell tesco if they want them to pack bags they will have to accept them as they are.

COS TESCO are doing them a favour letting them pack the bags and getting donations from the customers who's bags they pack - they presumably arent packing the bags for the goodness of their health Laugh
Originally posted by ZAYLEE:
Originally posted by The Singing Ringing Tree:
Anyone see the wee boy getting ready for his orange order band on sesame tree???? a NI made sesame street show!!!! That made me a bit angry... what next Chuck gets ready for joining dad at the KKK Rally and BBQ ... Frowner

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh your getting too political now - time to dismount the high horses I think and get back to discussing the really important issues like who is gonna be in the BB house, who is the father of Heather's baby in EE and will Ken finally sail of into the sunset with his floosy once and for all
The Singing Ringing Tree
Originally posted by Bigdaddyostrich:
Wasn't trying to be amusing

Just attempting in my hamfisted way to point out that the evil currents of moronic bigotry run both ways

I shall henceforth refrain from discussing religion and politics

Good. You didnt succeed in being amusing instead you were inflammatory and bordering on being bigoted yourself. Live the life there man before you try to make such crass comments.
Originally posted by Rafe:
I didn't know whether to respond in this thread initially but I think I will.

Although it isn't nice, I can understand that after all this time things cannot go from how they were to being completely understanding on both sides from the die hards.

I think it's important for us to learn lessons from and not to get into arguments and never take sides as division only leads to strife Wink

Do you always sit on the fence then Rafe?
Originally posted by ZAYLEE:
Originally posted by Neil3841:
Well tesco was spineless but why didn't the people in charge of the kids refuse and tell tesco if they want them to pack bags they will have to accept them as they are.

COS TESCO are doing them a favour letting them pack the bags and getting donations from the customers who's bags they pack - they presumably arent packing the bags for the goodness of their health Laugh

Dam, talk about missing the point...

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