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Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
I can't make up my mind who I loathe more.
My tactical head says Charlie, but my heart says Lisa for revenge regarding the dreadful abuse and bullying she inflicted on my darling Freddie.

This idecision's killing me. Big Grin

Do you know Senora, I've not voted and I'm not going to tonight Nod I'll save all my credit to vote Siavash to win when the voting opes. I can't stand Lisa/Charlie or David, so I'm in a win win situation tonight Big Grin
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by cinnamon girl:
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Now you're all tempting me to vote Charlie Frowner

You know it makes sense

Bloody hell there you go've twisted me rubber arm. Ok I'll vote Charlie tonight Big Grin

Yay! Think how shocked all the housemates and ex housemates would be too, they are all convinced he will win Big Grin
cinnamon girl
Originally posted by Heartache:
Whilst l dislike Charlie, l loathe Lisa. She should have gone a long time ago, certainly before Angel Freddie and Marcus. And if we had'nt have had that stupid vote to save eviction she would of. She is well passed her sell by date and does not deserve to be in there a moment longer.

Charlie bloody annoys me,but I loathe Lisa, as a so called mature woman who keeps banging on "They are kids etc" she has been more mean and petty in her outlook than any 15 year old! Shake Head
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Normally I'd say get rid of Charlie first, but the problem is that if Lisa survives tonight she'll see it as a vindication and she'll be unbearable for the next few days.

However... I'm still determined to see tonight as a win-win scenario, and I'll be there, bottle of wine by my side, laughing my socks off whoever goes. Big Grin

Unless it's dave!
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Normally I'd say get rid of Charlie first, but the problem is that if Lisa survives tonight she'll see it as a vindication and she'll be unbearable for the next few days.

However... I'm still determined to see tonight as a win-win scenario, and I'll be there, bottle of wine by my side, laughing my socks off whoever goes. Big Grin

Unless it's dave!

I know what you mean, but even the thought of Lisa having to sit in silence at the bus stop on her own for 3 days warms the cockles! Big Grin

Seriously: I refuse to see tonight as anything other than a cause for celebration! Big Grin
Eugene's Lair

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