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White goods...    they always die at the worst possible time...  

have you tried  ?

My dishwasher stopped working properly last year and I ended up with a couple of dishwasher repairmen actually talking me through taking it apart myself...    I was in the sump pump & everything (huge acheivement for me!!).

I actually fixed it....  kinda.    It had two problems... one was the sump which I fixed...   but the heating element thing went as well..   so after spending a week up to my elbows in dishwasher I still had to get a new one!
 Brisket  Awwww Moonbeams.......Sending positive vibes your way My washing machine started making funny noises last week and the mechanic said it needs new bearings Luckily we have a maintenance plan, and they are coming next week to fix it.......  Until then I am doing lots of small loads of washing, cos like you, I am terrified of it packing up before they get here
Can you please cross your fingers and send out positive vibes to our washing machine for the next month or so.
Mine was doing that...and my shower stopped working, (didn't connect the two at all.) Called the plumber out about the shower and he said there was a problem with the water pressure.....Nearly a year later,  (Yorkshire water and the company they contract : Morrison's Utilities) it is finally sorted it and both are now working properly Ooooo and  I had my first shower in my own house for almost a year at the w/e BLISS

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