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Hi Rentoni have a similar one called E-lites they are actually very good i have not given up smoking(yet)but use them in places where you cant smoke like hotel rooms etc.They are actually so realistic i wont use one in a public place for fear of causing uproar.the E-lite website it also full of info, the website you have put a link to says they will send you a supply after your trial if you do nothing to stop them you also have to give your card details and tel number for the free trial,which i dont like.
Maggie xx
Me and mum have just been seriously discussing trying to give up. I had a bit of a scare with my recent op cos my smoking meant I had bad lack of oxygen (or summat) and had breathing problems, so it's given me a bit of a kick up the backside. Now isn't the right time for me, but will look at it in the next few weeks for sure.

Are the patches the best way forward? x
sorry, didn't mean to make anyone feel bad by saying I just quit.  Karma, patches are good, but my OH, who has been smoking since he was 12 has tried the patches and they didn't work for him.  I guess it has a lot to do with willpower too, you have to really want to stop and as with my OH, he just didn't  He's lucky (or unlucky, I don't know which) that he doesn't have an awful smoker's cough or that his extremities aren't purple   so it's not so obvious to him how dangerous it is. 

Good luck Karma as and when you decide, but you really do need to want to do it, otherwise don't waste your money on 'em cos they are bliddy expensive!
That's why I quit, Karma. I'm due a general anaesthetic soon, and didn't fancy gasping like a stranded fish afterwards.
Also, even though no-one's health is ever improved by smoking, I'm doubly not supposed to because it's bad for my B12 deficiency. I'm not supposed to drink because of it either, but that's a step too far..

Patches have been fine for me, but I started on the middle-sized ones. not the strongest. I've had those before (during previous failed attempts to quit, before I had a more compelling reason to) and they made me feel really sick.
That was the scary bit for me Deman, having to have the oxygen strapped to my face for 2 days, I hated it (plus I couldn't go out for a fag )

Thanks Puss and D, my mum wants to give up for financial reasons, and that's the main reason for me too I suppose. Sadly it still isn't solely about the health aspects. If I'm entirely truthful I want to cut right down to only having a few a day, where I've been at home for the last few months my smoking has gone through the roof and my voice sounds rougher than a plumbers arse

But I think if me and my mum try then that will help. I'm seeing the doc again next week so will discuss it with him then. Thanks for the advice xx
Reference: Puss
Karma I wish I could cut down to a few per day, but I'm an 'all or nothing' so had no choice. I also tried that before, long time ago, decided would have 1 in the morning, lunchtime and after dinner, but found that all I could think about after finishing me morning one was my lunchtime one
I can't do that, either. I wasn't a heavy smoker, but I could never have "just the one".
My Sis inlaw got one, there are two different types one non animal and animal (some ingredient in them) Her being a veggie got the non animal one and was allergic to it, in one evening her chest and throat were so sore, she sent it back and is waiting the other one which should be ok.

Whenever i wanna quit i wait til i'm ill... ie cold or something and do it then as i smoke lees when poorly, for instance being preggy, i quit a couple of weeks ago when i had flu and morning sickness, works every time for me the hard part is staying off them, this is the 4th time i've quit. Both other pregnancies started back up after babies were born, and once when i was very i'll on a treatment, treatment lasted 3 months i stayed off the fags for almost 2yrs. When i started again though the amount i smoked had crept right up and i thought i wouldnt be able to do it again, until i had a good reason that is

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