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Day 41: The Good, The Bad and The Really Ugly

15 mins ago

The Sheriff and his Deputy were charged with picking the housemate teams – The Good, The Bad and The Really Ugly – based onpersonality and giving reasons for their decisions.

Cheeky old Big Brother made them chose in the Diary room but put all activity up on the screen in the Living Room for fellow housemates to witness. Check out the breakdown:

The Good:

 Scott – He is a good Catholic boy and has a good heart.

Sara – She’s very honest and moral.

Luke S – He took the joke yesterday so well and he cleans up.

The Bad:

Adam – He’s a bad man.

Deana – It says it for itself.

Ashleigh – She’s got a bad mouth – a dirty mouth.

The Really Ugly

Lauren – She’s moany.

Luke A – He was an ugly warden. He was unjust and discriminated against us for our uninteresting conversation.

Becky – She’s superduper funny but her farts are ugly. Absolutely disgusting.


Becky took her team allocation well but later told Caroline she thinks Lauren is a 'spoon' – that is, a stirrer.

Deana sulked and Lauren, ironically confirming Caroline’s decision to put her in The Really Ugly team, moaned and asked Conor and Caroline if they thought she had an ugly personality.

Luke A was also upset, saying he was only trying to be a fair warden.

Caroline said, "Why do people take things so personally? We just made random groups."

Conor responded, "I only wanted to break up the teams. If people have a problem with it, I don’t care."

Big Brother has chained together the Bad housemates with shackles which must remain on for the entirety of the task – aside from toilet and Diary Room visits and sleep tonight.

There is tension in the teams already. Will this push the housemates to breaking point or will the threesomes form new friendship groups?


Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Becky took her team allocation well but later told Caroline she thinks Lauren is a 'spoon' – that is, a stirrer.

Wasn't it Caroline who created the "spoon" nickname for Lauren?
She's definitely used it before...

Caroline used the term wooden spoon when nominating Lauren several weeks ago. I believe the initial context was to suggest that Lauren was the booby prize/last place.


The female housemates now all appear to agree that spoon is a stirrer...

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Were Conor and Caroline selected for their roles randomly - or specifically?

Here you go Coldy.....


Day 41: The Gold Rush task

17 mins ago

A Wild West style showdown woke housemates this morning. The living room was filled with straw bales and the Diary Room and garden decorated with cacti.

It could only mean one thing – task time.

Conor and Sara agreed the House looked amazing while Luke S, understandably cautious after yesterday’s BB stitch up, rearranged his roses. Caroline said it sounded quite fun as Adam moaned, "I hate the wild, wild west."

Big Brother requested the housemate, 'most at home where the buffalo roam', come to the Diary Room. Conor nominated himself, prompting Becky to ask, "Are there buffalos in Ireland?" No Becky, they are not indigenous to the emerald isle.

The two day Gold Rush shopping task will see housemates split into three teams with The Good, The Bad and The Really Ugly housemates going head to head in the search for gold.

Conor’s decision to go to the diary room means he will be sheriff and he picked Caroline as his deputy. This caused her to squeal, a lot and prompted Scott to call her a baby. Harsh? Maybe not.

Conor and Caroline will be calling the shots for two whole days.

The three teams are also playing for immunity from nominations and Big Brother has raised the stakes with Monday’s noms being face to face – nightmare!

Each task will begin with housemates panning for gold. The amount of gold eventually panned will decide whether or not they have passed the shopping task.

There are two parts to the task today – Raw Hide – a shoot ‘em up in the garden and The Hoedown – a country music dance off which will see housemates choreographing routines to a live ukulele band.

Will our cowboys get the blues or will they emerge with a fist full of luxury shopping budget dollars?


Originally Posted by frodo:

at least it gives my favs Lauren and Adam to be not nominated this week,

don't really like BB faffing with noms,but Becky has gone over to the darkside

(only my opinion) so hears hoping theres a mixed bag this week

hopefully Caroline will be one of those up,too many people flying under the radar


 They might be up yet


Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Becky took her team allocation well but later told Caroline she thinks Lauren is a 'spoon' – that is, a stirrer.

Wasn't it Caroline who created the "spoon" nickname for Lauren?
She's definitely used it before...

Caroline used the term wooden spoon when nominating Lauren several weeks ago. I believe the initial context was to suggest that Lauren was the booby prize/last place.

I'd assumed from the start that she meant "stirrer"...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Baz:
This is the pits! Talk about *fixing* things !! I was already having a couple of days off from watching , but unless there is some twist to this task ( such the sheriff and deputy being automatically up for eviction) I won't be retuning

This forum is better than BB

You flouncy lot o drama queen's will definitely be tuning in  - right to the end


Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

ALL UP for eviction once per show should be a BB tradition

And let US have the final say

Unfortunately, "vote-to-save" makes that difficult now, as it would give way to much of an indication as to how the final result will go. What would be nice is if they put everyone up with "vote-to-evict", but somehow I can't see that happening...


As for nominating "face-to-face": when will they ever learn? 

It's never worked the way BB hope, as what happens is everyone just takes the lead from the first couple of HMs. They still insisted on forcing the issue last year, even though the HMs were wise to them, and the result was a total disaster. 

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Baz:
This is the pits! Talk about *fixing* things !! I was already having a couple of days off from watching , but unless there is some twist to this task ( such the sheriff and deputy being automatically up for eviction) I won't be retuning

I am with you Baz .I am off for a few days ,I will be back for the Friday eviction show.I cannot bare to watch /Listen to HL shows full of that vile bitch Caroline and nasty Conor.


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