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I guess what irks is that the biggest game players always deny having one and say they are being themselves etc etc etc.....I can think of a couple over the years who have gone into the diary room and discussed their 'game plan'....I liked their honesty. It's also OK to play it as totally being themselves.....but trying to decieve the voters either way is never a good idea.
I'm never quite sure what public opt for: The one they like the most? The most entertaining? The least irritating? The one with the best game-plan? The one who just seems to be genuine and not have a game plan? The one they feel sorry for? etc. etc.
Can see, obviously how hms will try and avoid nominations from fellow hms by gaining allies etc. but often they are the ones who the public don't vote for/most want out. Must be v difficult to construct an effective game plan which covers all angles, and q frankly don't think most of the hms we've had are clever enough to do that
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
It's not a gameshow.

I think it is now Blizzie Nod

It never used to be, but each year I think it gets more and more like one.

The housemates may have changed, but the principle is the same.

If your housemates don't like you, they nominate you.

If the public don't like you, they vote you off.

If the public like you, they vote someone else off and vote for you to win.

All that 'gameplaying' can do is to help you avoid nominations for longer. It can't help you win.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
l've never quite understood why they bitch about people having gameplans - I mean it is now a gameshow so obviously you need a gameplan Confused

I think it's usually more of an attempt at a 'wake-up' call for peeps who may have been taken in by it?

"Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions."
Niccolo Machiavelli

Like this one too: The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by boink:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
l've never quite understood why they bitch about people having gameplans - I mean it is now a gameshow so obviously you need a gameplan Confused

true but people with game plans never win

Exactly LL its a shame that gameplaying cant be acknowledged. Lisa keeps saying shes just being herself but shes definately trying to get certain people out.

I think it more likely that those who admit to have a gameplan, don't win Nod
Originally posted by Blizzie:
It's not a gameshow.

I truly wish it wasn`t a gameshow - I loved it when it was a social experiment, it was far more interesting and appropriate for Ch.4. They rarely bring the psychological aspect into it now. Its being geared more and more to the chavvy single brain cell audience, proved on BBBM last night with Brian Belo stooping to an all time low (literally).
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Blizzie:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Blizzie:

The housemates may have changed, but the principle is the same.

If your housemates don't like you, they nominate you.or nominate the one who they think is the biggest threat to them

If the public don't like you, they vote you off.or don't because they like that you cause trouble that they like watching

If the public like you, they vote someone else off and vote for you to win.or as above

All that 'gameplaying' can do is to help you avoid nominations for longer. It can't help you win.
unless the public respect your game plan/don't see it
Originally posted by Blizzie:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Blizzie:

The housemates may have changed, but the principle is the same.

If your housemates don't like you, they nominate you.or nominate the one who they think is the biggest threat to them

If the public don't like you, they vote you off.or don't because they like that you cause trouble that they like watching

If the public like you, they vote someone else off and vote for you to win.or as above

All that 'gameplaying' can do is to help you avoid nominations for longer. It can't help you win.

I'm with you, Blizzie!
It is sad that as there is money at the end of it, the HMs see it as a gameshow but the viewers know that it is a popularity contest.
If we like them, they win, if we don't like them, they don't win.
The unpopular ones go on to wail about "Big Brother ruined my life" but the truth is that their behaviour/personalities caused them to be scorned by a lot of people.

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