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Charlotte Rampling, the well known extremely attractive English actress who is advanced in years now and was the star of the Night Porter and Woody Allen’s Stardust Memories, in an interview some years ago revealed she had awful problems with men falling in love with her. She would be naturally pleasant, charming and friendly with men and before she had even batted an eyelash many would fall for her and started cluttering up the garden path, asking to be trodden on and pleading for attention and declaring undying love. To unclog the garden she decided to make a constant effort to be a less attractive woman; she would tone down the smiles, she wouldn’t be as charming or friendly and she would avoid dressing in anything appealing. She had to save men from themselves and avoid creating trauma for herself. I suspect that she still could only keep the garden clear of men with patrolling savage dogs as there was no way she could suppress her enormous appeal to thinking men.

Great demands are placed on attractive, gracious and intelligent women; demands they must meet successfully otherwise they suffer not only at the hands of legions of frustrated and distraught admirers incensed by rejection but the jealousy and resentment of less attractive, less gracious and particularly less intelligent women who can’t understand what is going on except for their feelings of inadequacy and resentment. All actions of these unfortunately attractive women are microscopically and critically analysed for errors of judgement or insensitivity, or any other imperfections in their character, however small. Flaws are punished severely and advertised enthusiastically by the critical hordes to a willing audience desperate to judge and degrade to feel less inadequate. In short attractive women are made to feel responsible for the emotional welfare of others without ever being asked to sign up to the responsibility.

When these attractive women are sensitive, caring and generous in spirit then their problems are amplified further because any emotional pain they may directly or indirectly cause to others causes them empathetic pain. Their social and diplomatic skills, intellect, perspicacity and sensitivity are tested to extremes in their constant wish to avoid being the creator and recipient of pain. Alas there is sometimes no route to a pain free existence in a closed environment, the short term solutions can generate more pain in the longer term or are simply too painful in themselves to implement, for instance if only isolating oneself or rejecting or sabotaging all friendships are the only solutions. If the natural demeanour of someone is to be friendly, generous and accommodating to the wishes of others, then to suppress these natural character traits is a difficult sacrifice. And of course the more sensitive the woman, usually the more sensitive are the men that are attracted, which amplifies problems again.

Noirin is the Charlotte Rampling of BB10, very attractive, intelligent, charming, articulate, gracious and surrounded by admirers and as a result she seems to have acquired some undeserved unpopularity amongst some members of the BB audience.

Some have said that Norin is not the victim of suffering admirers but actively collects them and leads them on with implied sexual rewards, this flies in the face of reality and the facts and reflects more on the accusers who no doubt are drawn from the stupid, jealous or resentful. They claim she is not entitled to wish to be attractive and to attract admirers and that in her situation she has to be cruel to be kind and that she, like other attractive women, have to be brutal, evaluate attractiveness immediately and reject advances immediately they appear. This willingness to reject out of hand requires attractive women to be unfeeling, insensitive and dispassionate in character, have an ability to foresee the future perfectly and deny themselves the opportunity to give some admirer a chance to impress, and to endanger the chance of any sort of friendly relationship with an admirer. Why should attractive women have to deny themselves friendships or contact with other people through fear of the emotional impact of that engagement with those other people? Why can they not have the sort of friendly relationship they want? Why are only the smitten entitled to think they can get what they want?

Noirin made her position perfectly clear to Marcus, she doesn’t want a sexual relationship with him, but she does enjoy his company as a friend. She has had to make this point repeatedly and forcefully because his persistence and refusal to acknowledge her wishes is making her miserable and insecure. He cannot claim she is sending confusing signals and neither can her critics. Her naturally accommodating nature and desire for friendship means she will accede to Marcus’ constant appeal for attention and time. She does not want to cause him the pain of rejection of reasonable requests nor does she wish him to cease being her friend. She knows that he will be looking to interpret all friendly acts for something more and this must be wearing her down and so she struggles for the relationship she wants without causing him pain, but she cannot know, and neither do we and perhaps neither does he, whether he will accept anything less than a sexual relationship. She has a target in mind for the relationship and she is only human and she is doing what she thinks is right for a painless as possible path to that target.

She was also in a dilemma in the house, the reservoir of people she would wish to have as friends was pitifully small: Lisa is as dim as she is offensive; Charlie is as thick and as unappealing as Lisa and can barely communicate in English; Sophie is pleasant but utterly vacuous; Karly was objectionable, incomprehensible and a Lisa acolyte; Freddie is barely sufferable, socially inept and barely capable of a conversation without including embarrassing pauses or comments or some self-indulgent projection of how he enjoys something interleaved with longing sighs of satisfaction of a life he likes to project he has but doesn’t; Siavash while stimulating is still tinged in her eyes with rabbitgate and the doubt as to whether he is honest; Kris was wrapped up in Sophie and seemed to find conversation uncool, tiresome and too much effort unless it was followed by a grope or pranks; Sree was a stupid, ignorant, spiteful, conceited social misfit and arse; and Rodrigo isn’t exactly someone to go to for stress-free intelligent conversation. Only Marcus offered some sort of thoughtful, mature and pleasant conversation. Should she have rejected the only oasis of worthwhile chat in the house prior to the new hms?

Noirin is burdened with being attractive and the responsibilities and power that entails, and alas this position draws attention, resentment and criticism, all unjustified. The critics should consider the burdens of the attractive intelligent woman and give her the same consideration they would give to the less attractive. Noirin has maintained her dignity, her honesty, her generous spirit, her charm and her attractiveness despite being assailed and deserves to win BB10.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

She is a collector of compliments and complimentary men. She is an egotist. Neither of these things are attractive. Similarly her use of people to bolster her ego is not.

She is not a woman who is attractive and is innocent of this fact or the power that can give. She is not a woman who is immune to the hoops with which some may go through simply to have some of her attention.

And, perhaps what has come to light in the case of Siavash and last night's LF.. is that she is perfectly able to 'do the right thing' and encourage the man to walk away from the situation, but she is completely selfish enough not to let them. It would appear Noirin's ego strokes are far more important than someone's feelings.

She is nothing like Charlotte bloody Rampling. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by paace:
Dear oh dear Flossie, you expect us to read your essay on Noirin.

The essay is not intended for the hard of reading.

I assume those sorts of people are never going to give Noirin a chance anyway or attempt to understand her position or understand her considerate and accommodating character.
This is my take on the ever so boring Noricus situation:

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

The issue I have with Marcus is the way he objectifies women, he's crude, lewd, and has terrible social skills, watch Marcus when the newbies came in, he looked pitiful.

Marcus at root has low self esteem, this manifest in Marcus with jealousy,aggression, malice and delusional ideas about himself and how he views himself.
Senora Reyes
Noirin has already admitted that she uses her looks to get what she wants, she told Marcus weeks ago, yet we still have those that think she is an innocent victim of her female giules.
She is not a little girl, nor yet a teenager experimenting, she is a young woman who knows how to play men....and does it rather well.
Originally posted by tupps:
She is a collector of compliments and complimentary men. She is an egotist. Neither of these things are attractive. Similarly her use of people to bolster her ego is not.

She is not a woman who is attractive and is innocent of this fact or the power that can give. She is not a woman who is immune to the hoops with which some may go through simply to have some of her attention.

And, perhaps what has come to light in the case of Siavash and last night's LF.. is that she is perfectly able to 'do the right thing' and encourage the man to walk away from the situation, but she is completely selfish enough not to let them. It would appear Noirin's ego strokes are far more important than someone's feelings.

She is nothing like Charlotte bloody Rampling. Roll Eyes

How can you offer such an argument when she has forcefully demanded that she receive no compliments from Marcus?

When compliments have been offered by others she has also not encourage them further.

She has less ego than most of the others in there. I would say her ego was also better developed than all of the others, her maturity shines through. She makes no attempt to ingratiate or dismiss others or to make a show and she treats everybody with the same consideration and gives herself no special dispensation. These are not the acts of an egotist or someone desperate for attention.

She has silkly smooth social skills and she uses them wisely and considerately.

I really can't see any substance whatsoever in your points and they are contradicted by reality.
Originally posted by Bethni:
Noirin has already admitted that she uses her looks to get what she wants, she told Marcus weeks ago, yet we still have those that think she is an innocent victim of her female giules.
She is not a little girl, nor yet a teenager experimenting, she is a young woman who knows how to play men....and does it rather well.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by paace:
Dear oh dear Flossie, you expect us to read your essay on Noirin.

The essay is not intended for the hard of reading.

I assume those sorts of people are never going to give Noirin a chance anyway or attempt to understand her position or understand her considerate and accommodating character.

You're making sweeping generlisations about people and attractive women. How do you know Charlotte and Noirin feel the way you imagine?
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
This is my take on the ever so boring Noricus situation:

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

Noirin has consistently shown consideration for all other hms.

She has asked Marcus not to engage her on her side in any conflict, in complete contradiction to your comments.

She at one point actively avoided him for a few days to redefine the relationship, which upset him. If she were some sort of manipulator who wished to deploy Marcus she would not have done that and would be assailing him with requests.

If were female and had Sree chasing after me I think I would go to anyone for solice.

None of your comments on Noirin have any bearing on reality.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
This is my take on the ever so boring Noricus situation:

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

Noirin has consistently shown consideration for all other hms.

She has asked Marcus not to engage her on her side in any conflict, in complete contradiction to your comments.

She at one point actively avoided him for a few days to redefine the relationship, which upset him. If she were some sort of manipulator who wished to deploy Marcus she would not have done that and would be assailing him with requests.

If were female and had Sree chasing after me I think I would go to anyone for solice.

None of your comments on Noirin have any bearing on reality.

I stand by view and comments about Noirin, it is my opinion, and we do not agree, no big deal really is it?
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by paace:
Dear oh dear Flossie, you expect us to read your essay on Noirin.

The essay is not intended for the hard of reading.

I assume those sorts of people are never going to give Noirin a chance anyway or attempt to understand her position or understand her considerate and accommodating character.

You're making sweeping generlisations about people and attractive women. How do you know Charlotte and Noirin feel the way you imagine?

Charlotte revealed all in an interview.

It is obvious to anyone who can perceive what people are thinking and understands social dynamics to see what is happening.

Noirin's sophisticated gentle social skills and consideration for others may not be apparent to the social inept or intellectually challenged viewer but it is apparent to the rest of us.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
This is my take on the ever so boring Noricus situation:

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

Noirin has consistently shown consideration for all other hms.

She has asked Marcus not to engage her on her side in any conflict, in complete contradiction to your comments.

She at one point actively avoided him for a few days to redefine the relationship, which upset him. If she were some sort of manipulator who wished to deploy Marcus she would not have done that and would be assailing him with requests.

If were female and had Sree chasing after me I think I would go to anyone for solice.

None of your comments on Noirin have any bearing on reality.

Aww flossie are you another conquest of hers?
Originally posted by Flossie:
How can you offer such an argument when she has forcefully demanded that she receive no compliments from Marcus?

When compliments have been offered by others she has also not encourage them further.

She has less ego than most of the others in there. I would say her ego was also better developed than all of the others, her maturity shines through. She makes no attempt to ingratiate or dismiss others or to make a show and she treats everybody with the same consideration and gives herself no special dispensation. These are not the acts of an egotist or someone desperate for attention.

She has silkly smooth social skills and she uses them wisely and considerately.

I really can't see any substance whatsoever in your points and they are contradicted by reality.

I can offer any opinion I like..

Forcefully demanded she receive no compliments? Well, that’s like me forcefully demanding my barista makes me a skinny wet latte only to discover they have made it with full fat milk.. and drinking it anyway! If you do not want compliments do not fish for them, do not accept them, counter them: for it is pointless forcefully demanding anything if your actions do not back up your words.

Are you watching the same show as the rest of us? Maturity.. consideration.. gives herself no special dispensation? You are kidding right? We are talking about the same Noirin? The one who is a playground tittle tattle, shows her proverbial knickers to the boys and then complains when they look or make a comment, hangs a friend out to dry having promised to keep a confidence etc… that Noirin?

I would hardly say her social skills were silky smooth. If they were she would be able to have those people in her corner for who she is rather than in some pathetic hope that it could mean more.

I can’t see very much substance in your argument: it is your opinion and seemingly not one formulated on having watched any of the show. I imagine it is posted in order to enjoy the clicky, click, click sound of your keyboard.. very good.. carry on.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
This is my take on the ever so boring Noricus situation:

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

Noirin has consistently shown consideration for all other hms.

She has asked Marcus not to engage her on her side in any conflict, in complete contradiction to your comments.

She at one point actively avoided him for a few days to redefine the relationship, which upset him. If she were some sort of manipulator who wished to deploy Marcus she would not have done that and would be assailing him with requests.

If were female and had Sree chasing after me I think I would go to anyone for solice.

None of your comments on Noirin have any bearing on reality.

I stand by view and comments about Noirin, it is my opinion, and we do not agree, no big deal really is it?

But your comments are just opinion and have no basis in evidence or logic.

My analysis is based on evidence and logic.
Originally posted by Sooozy:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
This is my take on the ever so boring Noricus situation:

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

Noirin has consistently shown consideration for all other hms.

She has asked Marcus not to engage her on her side in any conflict, in complete contradiction to your comments.

She at one point actively avoided him for a few days to redefine the relationship, which upset him. If she were some sort of manipulator who wished to deploy Marcus she would not have done that and would be assailing him with requests.

If were female and had Sree chasing after me I think I would go to anyone for solice.

None of your comments on Noirin have any bearing on reality.

Aww flossie are you another conquest of hers?

So it would seem
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
This is my take on the ever so boring Noricus situation:

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

Noirin has consistently shown consideration for all other hms.

She has asked Marcus not to engage her on her side in any conflict, in complete contradiction to your comments.

She at one point actively avoided him for a few days to redefine the relationship, which upset him. If she were some sort of manipulator who wished to deploy Marcus she would not have done that and would be assailing him with requests.

If were female and had Sree chasing after me I think I would go to anyone for solice.

None of your comments on Noirin have any bearing on reality.

I stand by view and comments about Noirin, it is my opinion, and we do not agree, no big deal really is it?

But your comments are just opinion and have no basis in evidence.

My analysis is based on evidence.

Believe me hun so is mine. Noirin is a user and an arch manipulator, I used to sympathise with her in the begining with Marcus but I'm kinda wise to her game. By her own admission to Marcus, she said she uses her looks to get what she wants, and although she followed this up with I'd like to change though, I somehow do not believe her. She openly admitted to Sophie to being attracted to Tom, she also told Sophie she found Marcus slimey...Yet in front of Marcus she denies fancying Tom. She claims Marcus is her best mate in the house, so why go to Sophie and tell her she finds him slimey?
Senora Reyes
I can see where you`re coming from Flossie, but everyone`s perspective is based on their own experiences. A good barrister can make jack the ripper innocent (exaggeration but you know what I mean).

As someone said, its all squashed into a powerful essence in that house - everything is heightened plus no one`s getting cuddles/strokes/sex etc.

I don`t think Norine is pretty - don`t think Siavash would look twice at her outside of the house.

If its such a painful experience for her having all these fellas fall in love with her - then WHY get under the duvets with them - and WHY undo your bra and let the fella paint your back. I`m sure Charlotte wouldn`t have lowered herself.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
This is my take on the ever so boring Noricus situation:

Said weeks ago Noirin is playing a very dangerous game with Marcus.

She is so desperate for fame, to me she no longer has a soul. Noirin has used Marcus to do her bidding, fight her battles and generally been her protector from Sree, and then Lisa, when Noirin decided to defect from Team Lisa.

Noirin has used Marcus.

Marcus has misread every single contact he's had with Noirin when she sat with him, laughed with him, flirted with him, Marcus read that as Noirin having a soft spot for him, The sad thing is that Marcus sees Noirin as a friend he cares about her, whilst Noirin only cares about Noirin.

Noirin has consistently shown consideration for all other hms.

She has asked Marcus not to engage her on her side in any conflict, in complete contradiction to your comments.

She at one point actively avoided him for a few days to redefine the relationship, which upset him. If she were some sort of manipulator who wished to deploy Marcus she would not have done that and would be assailing him with requests.

If were female and had Sree chasing after me I think I would go to anyone for solice.

None of your comments on Noirin have any bearing on reality.

I stand by view and comments about Noirin, it is my opinion, and we do not agree, no big deal really is it?

But your comments are just opinion and have no basis in evidence.

My analysis is based on evidence.

Believe me hun so is mine. Noirin is a user and an arch manipulator, I used to sympathise with her in the begining with Marcus but I'm kinda wise to her game. By her own admission to Marcus, she said she uses her looks to get what she wants, and although she followed this up with I'd like to change though, I somehow do not believe her. She openly admitted to Sophie to being attracted to Tom, she also told Sophie she found Marcus slimey...Yet in front of Marcus she denies fancying Tom. She claims Marcus is her best mate in the house, so why go to Sophie and tell her she finds him slimey?

Thumbs Up Clapping
mrs d
Are we all watching the same stuff?

Seriously how can anyone defend her - saying she has caused none of this male attention

Yes the men are responsible for their own actions

And so is Noirin
i'm with flossie on this, people have demonised her,for their own reasons, and having come to an opinion about her they trot out their own particular myths,half truths or anything they think will reinforce their point of view, be it basd in fact or not, usually not, i have t say.

and she has dimples! Big Grin

oh and i worked out a long time ago why people feel so attracted to her.
Originally posted by RENTON:
Are we all watching the same stuff?

Seriously how can anyone defend her - saying she has caused none of this male attention

Yes the men are responsible for their own actions

And so is Noirin

We are hun though some of us leave our rose tinted specs on the coffee table.
(quote)She has silkly smooth social skills and she uses them wisely and considerately.

Flossie, did you watch her attack on Angel over doing the dishes? She used no social skills there... only the power of her mouth, ( of which she has a big one).Noirin is considerate...of herself and no one else. She labelled Freddie and Siavash freaks and told Marcus her only reason for not spending time with him was because he spend most of his time with them.Yet that very afternoon she was telling Lisa she was uncomfortable in Marcus' company and wanted away from him. She told Sophie she was attracted to Tom, yet she told Marcus she didn't like or trus him. When she was in bed with Tom her reason for leaving was, 'i better go before i get into trouble', yet when relaying the same occurance to Marcus it changed to, 'I'm not having ny of this, i'm outta here'. Totally different.
You can write as many essays as you wish on the benevolent, hard done by Noirin but I've witnesses her cunning with my own eyes and will stick to my own opinion.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
i'm with flossie on this, people have demonised her,for their own reasons, and having come to an opinion about her they trot out their own particular myths,half truths or anything they think will reinforce their point of view, be it basd in fact or not, usually not, i have t say.

and she has dimples! Big Grin

oh and i worked out a long time ago why people feel so attracted to her.

Big Grin
Originally posted by RENTON:
Are we all watching the same stuff?

Seriously how can anyone defend her - saying she has caused none of this male attention

Yes the men are responsible for their own actions

And so is Noirin

Renton I like you are seeing her for what she is. I personally do not have a problem if another disagrees or sees Noirin in a totally different way. Debate good, getting personal bad. Big Grin
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by paace:
Dear oh dear Flossie, you expect us to read your essay on Noirin.

The essay is not intended for the hard of reading.

I assume those sorts of people are never going to give Noirin a chance anyway or attempt to understand her position or understand her considerate and accommodating character.

You're making sweeping generlisations about people and attractive women. How do you know Charlotte and Noirin feel the way you imagine?

Charlotte revealed all in an interview.

It is obvious to anyone who can perceive what people are thinking and understands social dynamics to see what is happening.

Noirin's sophisticated gentle social skills and consideration for others may not be apparent to the social inept or intellectually challenged viewer but it is apparent to the rest of us.

'revealed all' I'm afraid your a little naive if you believe all is revealed in an interview. Spend a few weeks in the company of either to know what they're really like.
Originally posted by Bethni:
(quote)She has silkly smooth social skills and she uses them wisely and considerately.

Flossie, did you watch her attack on Angel over doing the dishes? She used no social skills there... only the power of her mouth, ( of which she has a big one).Noirin is considerate...of herself and no one else. She labelled Freddie and Siavash freaks and told Marcus her only reason for not spending time with him was because he spend most of his time with them.Yet that very afternoon she was telling Lisa she was uncomfortable in Marcus' company and wanted away from him. She told Sophie she was attracted to Tom, yet she told Marcus she didn't like or trus him. When she was in bed with Tom her reason for leaving was, 'i better go before i get into trouble', yet when relaying the same occurance to Marcus it changed to, 'I'm not having ny of this, i'm outta here'. Totally different.
You can write as many essays as you wish on the benevolent, hard done by Noirin but I've witnesses her cunning with my own eyes and will stick to my own opinion.

Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by RENTON:
Are we all watching the same stuff?

Seriously how can anyone defend her - saying she has caused none of this male attention

Yes the men are responsible for their own actions

And so is Noirin

Renton I like you are seeing her for what she is. I personally do not have a problem if another disagrees or sees Noirin in a totally different way. Debate good, getting personal bad. Big Grin

Clapping We wont all like or dislike the same people, it would be a sad state of affairs if we did, healthy debate is welcome.

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