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In an argument with Bea about the unfair treatment of Siavash, Noirin said:
"Mind your own ******* business. It's between me and Siavash, and that's it."

Get off your high horse, Noirin, you pleb. Lest you forget what happened immediately following your first kiss with Siavash. How you whined and whined to Bea in the kitchen, asking for advice. "I don't know what to do, like. What should I do? What would you do? Do you think this, like? Do you think that, like?"

You made it Bea’s business you lying hypocrite. So naive.

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Noirin forgets the chat where she made it everyone's business to help her see a way through her 'dimella'.

In any event, I don't see Bea's argument with her as Bea butting in. I think Bea told her how she viewed it: voiced her opinion. They are all living in a house together after all and so what Noirin does (or omits to do) has an impact... whether she thinks so or not.

Noirin lives in Noirin world.. where Noirin is Empress and the only thing that matters is Noirin.

To answer the thread question.. I don't think Noirin is a liar, I know she is, for she has proven so. I don't think Noirin is not the sharpest tool in the box, I know she is, for again she has proven it.
Originally posted by Mathematics:
In an argument with Bea about the unfair treatment of Siavash, Noirin said:
"Mind your own ******* business. It's between me and Siavash, and that's it."

Get off your high horse, Noirin, you pleb. Lest you forget what happened immediately following your first kiss with Siavash. How you whined and whined to Bea in the kitchen, asking for advice. "I don't know what to do, like. What should I do? What would you do? Do you think this, like? Do you think that, like?"

You made it Bea’s business you lying hypocrite. So naive.

Yes I agree, she did ask Bea, as a friend, for her opinion. It is quite clear that Bea is not a friend to Noirin. Is it right that Bea is telling all the other housemates that Noirin is no friend of hers and thinks her behaviour is terrible, then going to Noirin and trying to speak with her as though she is a friend. Bea is trying to stir the pot, turn everyone again Isaac, as she know he spoke to Tom. I think a lot of it has more to do with the fact that Bea is trying to undermine Isaac, with the other hm's, so that if Isaac does tell of Beas' gameplan noone will listen to him. Just my thoughts on it.
I think what we're seeing here is Isaac's influence. The whole "it's none of your business" line was his, remember? Isaac has worked out his own strategy for dealing with the situation and Noirin, whether consciously or unconsciously, is picking up on it.
Eugene's Lair
The girl has no real awareness of the mess her hedonistic nature leaves behind. Nor does she care enough to learn.

The girl has no social skills, as her cool, emotionless & aloof nature shows. When she talks (even around the supposed love of her life) she's monosyllabic, and sounds grumpy & sulky the whole damn time. And let's got even get into her peppering every other word with an expletive.

The girl has no flair for life and no imagination. She's one of those women whose attuidude is "I'm here aren't I? What more do you want? Do you expect me to actually DO something......?"

Basically, the girl just isn't very bright Disappointed

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