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Rebecca did use Amy's concealer then?  so it was alright for Amy have it then because it was useful to Rebecca, but when it suited Rebecca she grassed her up to the others.


On this coming out show and in the main show Rebecca Adlington did not come out of it well at all...she came across as a sneaky whiny little insecure snake, and she clearly lost support as without the Amy thing she would have gone further in the show, I know that I don't like her anymore over her behaviour.


Bottom line, did Amy's smuggling a few things in damage the campmates in any way, did the camp suffer? NO.


The sight of Matthew Twat and the others surrounding her attacking her for things that no longer matter and didn't even affect them while in camp was pathetic.


Why some of you are taking Rebecca's side over this is beyond me as she was a hypocrite in the whole affair, Amy should have decked her if anything.

Last edited by Videostar
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Did anybody think Amy's dad seemed to have a really odd relationship with her?  I found him incredibly creepy and weird..

yep - said last night that they had a weird relationship.    I too was gobsmacked when she ran up and wrapped her legs round his waist.    As Soozy says - ok if she was 6...   There was also something just a bit creepy about they way the were sitting together in the car - if you didn't know they were father and daughter, you'd take them for a couple for sure.



Originally Posted by Videostar:

Rebecca did use Amy's concealer then?  so it was alright for Amy have it then because it was useful to Rebecca, but when it suited Rebecca she grassed her up to the others.


you didn't listen then?   No, she didn't.    Amy put some on her figure and she politely said 'thanks, but it's not my colour' and didn't use it.


Whether it did any harm or not - they're all supposed to be going through the same hardships together, as a team.   You can't look out for number one and still expect to part of the team.  The sad thing is she still doesn't understand why nobody likes her (apart from Joey who 1) thinks with his bits and 2) has obviously now been told to play the 'romance' angle for the rags.      I'd be careful if I was him...  he's muscling in on Daddy's protector role and I predict Daddy won't be a happy chappie...

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

Saw the beginning and it looked like scripted reality - like it it had been TOWIE'd 

Turned over as I didnt think I could face it. Thanks for the updates here.


Who came out?  


Thanks Kaffy  ooh didn't expect that... saw her name mentioned earlier but thought it was a joke!

Last edited by Former Member

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