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In 1996 a Swedish couple tried to name their child BRFXXCCXXMNPCCCCLLLMMN-PRXVCLMNCKSSQLBB11116 it is pronounced as Albin, they named him this as a protest against Swedens strict naming laws but were banned..
other names banned in Sweden are Metallic, Ikea, Veranda and O..but Google is allowed....

Malaysia banned Chow Tow cos it translates as Smelly head, Khiow khoo means Hunchback and Sor Chai means Insane....

The Danes banned Anus, Pluto and Monkey...

Germans banned..Bin Laden, Hitler, Stompie, Woodstock and Grammophone....

A child in New zealand was made a ward of court as her parents had named her Talula does the hoola from Hawaii....others banned were Fish and Chips, Yeah Detroit, Keenan got Lucy, Sex fruit but Benson and Hedges for twins was allowed....

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Pluto and Monkey

they're not too bad!     Certainly not worthy of putting in a group with Anus! 

I come to the conclusion that someone can call their kid crisp packet...  and after the initial outrage you end up getting used to it.     I've got friends who called their kids "dubious" names...  but I don't give it a second thought now.
(Duplicated from another thread)
Whenever I see the name Kylie, I cannot help thinking about the Kylie range of incontinence wear - pants, pads and sheets.

Also I cannot understand some of the names held by American black women. Names which I have never heard before. Liliteesha, Dallibella, Ashukkah, Ninalaya, Rooshalay....????
they're not too bad! Certainly not worthy of putting in a group with Anus! I come to the conclusion that someone can call their kid crisp packet... and after the initial outrage you end up getting used to it. I've got friends who called their kids "dubious" names... but I don't give it a second thought now.

When I lived in England there were some right dodgy names but here they are all sensible
I agree, Ditty.

I can see that there should be some protection for kids with stoopid parents, but, looking back at my own family names, we would all be called John, Original, or Mary, if new names hadn't been allowed.

'Christian' names are mostly from the Bible and therefore mostly Jewish, other names are mostly from our Northern European roots and used to have son or dotter , which ended up as surnames.

The first parents who decided to use flower names for daughters (Rose, Poppy, Hyacinth, Daisy etc.) would have been looked at as strangely as those now choosing fruit for their daughters.

Cigarette names are not quite in the same league, obviously.
No offence to spongey's kids!
   Scotty, thanks for posting the video of Ghetto black names.
I found them ridiculously funny.
I also wondered why the young males saying the names seemed to have their heads loosely attached to their bodies as their heads were wobbling. Also apart from looking defiant, they seemed as if they were about to vomit.
Thanks Scotty. 
do any of you like your name?....or do your kids like theirs?

I do like my name...   Katie    and my kids do like theirs, only Molly detests being called Mol.   She is ok with being called Mo (I swore I never would, but even I call her Mo at times).    the boy says he likes Alfie & Alf...   but gets the right hump when kids at school call him Elfie (at xmas!)  

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