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From CH4:

Bea and The-Housemate-Formerly-Known-As Halfwit have been locked in a mutual grumpathon for several days now, and both sides are making a good effort to keep slating each other.

The The-Housemate-Formerly-Known-As Halfwit has been talking about Bea in the Kitchen with Marcus. "It's so funny when you switch from thinking of somebody as a close friend and... not quite a lover, but in a similar sort of emotional space, to thinking of them as a strategic competitor," he said, chuckling. "If I'm feeling stressed out I'll just go and have an argument with Bea." He stopping joshing and adopted his usual philosophical tone. "No, that's negative though. There was a time in my life when I would've responded to this kind of attacking argumentative style with..."

"With gusto?" suggested Marcus.

"Yeah," nodded The-Housemate-Formerly-Known-As Halfwit . "But the thing is, that's not me. One thing I learnt from this is how **** it is to be on the receiving end of it. The thing is to be assertive without being aggressive."

He didn't mention his ears burning, but at the same moment Bea was listing some of his flaws in the Garden.

"Honestly, I'm finding him really sarcastic and difficult," she moaned to David.

"Take it in your stride, Bea," advised David. "Use it against him."

"I just don't want him around me," the jailbird said sadly. "I don't like an atmosphere."

"'Oh woe is me'," she continued, doing an impression of her arch nemesis. "You know, he's going through his 'darkest hour', and the next minute he's jumping around."

The topic then turned to eviction night and how the housemates might be perceived by the public. "I think even if people don't like you, they'd rather keep in a genuine bitch than a fake goody-two-shoes," said Bea.

There was a pause before she added, "Not that I'm being a bitch."

We're saying nothing.

Roll Eyes Noooo course you're not Bea

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