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If you do decide on a SYstem Restore, here's what to do....

Click on the start and go into 'Programs' then 'Accessories', then 'System Restore'.

It will pop up with a Calendar and some of the previous dates should be highlighted, you can pick one of these and continue to do the System Restore. This will restore the System to that date removing any programmes you have added since but not documents.

Once your PC is up and running properly, you should be able to create a restore point incase you need to do it again at some point....
The Devil In Diamante
It happened to me last week and I clicked on the bloody thing. I couldn't open anything, each time I tried, the same message appeared. I couldn't open any pages at all, couldn't restart in safe mode - nothing. Eventually gave up and took it in to PC World, who fixed it at a cost of ÂĢ180!!.. Was told to download Malawarebytes, which I have now done. Just for your info, It happened when I clicked on an article about SIMON COWELL!!!!
I was infected with one of these security malwares a few months ago... complete nightmare... it blocked me from the internet, and blocked AVG (my antivirus software)... and any other program I tried to boot up... it even blocked task manager.

It changed my wallpaper to a horrible green with the writing "your computer is infected, if you do not install Security something or other you are irresponsible you are putting your boss, your family, your children at risk"

the wallpaper pished me off as much as everything else tbh.

I used one of the kids laptops to go online & research it...  it was Security version 4.2 I think.   there were others that were having problems like me... cos its malware it wasn't stopped by antivirus software, and it replicates itself all over the place... most of the advise to sort it out was to download the SpyDoctor ... which is a limited package unless you pay.   Was no good anyway... cos even in safe mode I couldn't install anything.

the experts then said I had to go through lines & lines & lines of script and type em in and manually delete them.. registry entries and all sorts ... pages & pages of it.

Then I found a nugget of a tip...   (oh... early on I disabled system restore)  it directed me to the folder where this nasty lived...   once I found the folder, (in safe mode) I then renamed the folder.

This meant the malware couldn't 'find' itself... and allowed me to download & run the patch for it.

I now have Spybot as well as AVG running on my pooter... to stop it happening again.

The whole thing lasted 3 days... and at one point I had pretty much written off my laptop...  I remember lying in bed... staring at the ceiling ... gutted!  The tip about renaming the folder was a life saver!
DD thankyou   I`ll definitely do that if/when it fixes itself but at the moment I think I`m boogered  When I click on start it`s not allowing me access to "programs" or "help and support"  *application not found*   I might have to turn the whole thing off for a bit like maggie and liverbird. I hope it works because this is a pest!

Sorry, I can`t quote and I`m trying to remember post from page one...if I go back I`m lost again.

Brisket, yes it`s an awful thing to do. Even worse though..if you sign up for their anti-virus package, they don`t give it to you. It`s a total scam.

miss lippy..I was told to approach pc world but ÂĢ180!  I`m hoping switching off for a few days will do it bit otherwise I might have to spend some money to get it fixed.
Simon Cowell!

Bizzie. No
Scotty, have just had a look online about this. Go to Start, my computer. click on Disk C. In the box type Program Files. Look for the name of the Security Alert thing that you got. There should be an Uninstall file with it's name on. Click on that. Then you should be able to download the free version of Malawarebytes and hopefully this will get rid of it. Good Luck!
miss lippy I tried what you said..the security alert thingy is there but when I click on it "file not found" same with all of my files  When I click control panel all the options are there but nothings know, add/remove etc. I`ll have to get someone in to look at it. Say nuffing Bizzie  
Thanks for all your help though missy..much appreciated  Same to all..thank you so much! The scammers certainly did a good one on my computer. I`m frustrated but hey`s not the end of the world
I have an antivirus but didn't have a malawarebytes so thanks to Mount Olympus for the address for that one
 You're welcome

and call me Olly, the full name is a bluddy mouthful  

Scotty just out of curiosity did you try to see if changing the date helped? Make it 2011 to see if it goes away..   or can you not access that facility either?

Sounds like it has well and truly bolloxed your puter. .. hope you can find a way to sort it cheaply
Mount Olympus *Olly*
A few weeks ago hubby had the same problem OP, it took us hours to get rid of it. Have you got a good Firewall? hubby was relying on the Windows one which isn't as good as some others. I use Zone Alarm for that - it's a free download -  plus I have CCleaner also free, Spybot and Norton and haven't had any of those problems for a few years now, fingers crossed lol.
Yellow Rose
A few days ago I was browsing when I suddenly had a message saying that my pc was infected with 7 trojan viruses and was apparently in the process of scanning the pc for further viruses. As I have a firewall & antivirus s/w running at all times I knew immediately that this was a scam. I tried to close the message by clicking on the little red cross in the top right hand corner but this did not work - a clear sign that this was a scam. So I then closed the browser resulting in the message and scan being terminated. I have had no problems since, though I took the precaution of running a antivirus scan which of course showed no viruses.

If you can't close the browser in the normal way, remember that by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete and ending the name of the browser program under Processes should work. The browser program will be something like firefox.exe for Firefox or ieexplore.exe (NOT explorer.exe) for IE.
El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
I`m back. I`ve been away trying system restore..changing the date. Nothing`s happening

Thanks Olly and everyone  I`m giving up head`s nipping!  I`ll talk to my man down the road on Monday. I wish I`d seen your post El Loro, before I got it such a mess but then again I couldn`t access here because the scammers blocked me and you didn`t post until now anyway  ok,  I`m confused now..excuse me  Time for a little glass of wine and a choc ice I think

Thank you so much for going to all this trouble for me`s very much appreciated!  
Aww Scotty,pity you don't know  a man who "does".As I said earlier my niece downloaded that virus/worm ridden LIMEWIRE.Anyhoo,my comp started "Falling over" as a comp savvy guy told me.Basically crashing and freezing every ten minutes or so.

My cousin's partner
 literally spent the day clearing out the crap etc from the comp,he did have to strip it down to "Shop bought new" we did save stuff,photos etc onto a disc.Total pain.

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