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This morning I switched on my computer and was greeted with this.. Your computer is infected..your computer has been hacked..your bank details may be being attacked now!! Your e.mails are being looked at now!! alert alert!! To fix this run our scan. After running it they said I had 25 major threats high alert! In order to fix it I had to buy their package @ $59.95. Everytime I tried to delete their windows, which came from my bottom bar..they came back. I tried accessing of other sites and up came this>> Major alert..if you access these sites your computer is in danger so we`ve blocked them for you. It gave me an option to access the sites knowing the danger. I tried. It didn`t work. They`d blocked me completely. I almost bought the package but decided to phone Virgin media first. I got a lovely guy who told me it was a scam. He helped me fix it by taking a different route using "safe mode" It took almost 2 hours   I`ve now lost everything on my bottom bar and most of my desk top stuff and I don`t know what else. The alert looked plausable..they were pertaining to be "internet explorer virus alert"  The design looked exactly like them. I can`t access any sites in the same way now..I`ve got to go around the houses. I can`t open more that one window at a time...everything is mucked up.

I hope not but has this ever happened to you?

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I had summat similar on my pc a while ago. It drove me crazy, I couldn't access the internet either. I installed Norton Antivirus and it took about 4 scans to get to a point where I could use the internet again. I scan everyday but my pc is still not running very well.
It is a fake warning thing, they try to con you into buying their antivirus stuff. In the end when I was being directed to the download now box on the ad I clicked on a contact us button (obviously there for the people they are trying to con to furnish payment details) I sent them a message having a right go about their 'marketing' and asking them to remove it.
They emailed me back telling me that it was a time limited thingy and that if I put my calendar forward 8 days then it would disappear - which it did. After 8 days you can set the date right again.
You could try that Scotty but although it worked for me I have to say that I don't trust these people that much and I haven't used my bank cards online on this pc since as I am still worried.
I hope it works for you
Reference: Pengy
The guy from virgin is right - these are scams to get you to buy your product. Sometimes they contain viruses and infect your machine or get access and phish your details What sort of antivirus software do you have Scotty?
Pengy I don`t know. I`m sure I have something but I`m pretty hopeless at that sort of  stuff. The guy from virgin and malware bytes.
Yeah I know they are very good....but if your running, say AVG, and its not AVG then ignore. If you get it in future and are worried just run a scan with your own anti-virus.
Thanks Croc. I tried that with Norton this morning but the scammers had even accessed them..I think. It came up with 131 serious threats!  Will try again. now that I`ve got rid of them.
Scotty i had exactly the same thing at the weekend,if OH had not been around i may have fallen for it,because i just thought sh*t ,but he  told me to ignore it,couldn't get rid of it,it just kept coming back with more alerts. Turned laptop off and it stopped on Mon morning.Looked genuine and scary,because it made you feel as if you were prepared to leave yourself wide open to all sorts if you didn't press the right buttons.
Maggie xx
Reference: Katty
Norton..hmnnnnn.Heard all sorts of bad stuff about them
They are a nightmare to deal with. I tried phoning them and ended up with some person in India who told me everything I already knew and could offer no help (on their much trumpeted 24 hour assistance line). Tried several times after that but my son knows more about pcs than their staff.

The parent company for Norton is Symantec and they can be useless too
Reference: Veggie
I sent them a message having a right go about their 'marketing' and asking them to remove it. They emailed me back telling me that it was a time limited thingy and that if I put my calendar forward 8 days then it would disappear - which it did. After 8 days you can set the date right again. You could try that Scotty
I`ll do that Veggie and thanks for your advice. I`ve got Norton too but it wouldn`t work this morning due to the scam. I`ll give it another go..cheers again
Reference: Katty
I've seem them a few times.I ignore them,I run AVIRA anti- virus and only open the link for them in my programmes.I ignore all other stuff.
Things is Katty, I couldn`t ignore it because they blocked me completely..shut me down.
AVIRA? I`ll have a look at that and spy bot. I couldn`t bear this happening again. Thanks x
Reference: Jenny
If you have Adaware or Spybot or something similar installed, I would run a scan with that too. They can often pick up things that an anti-virus scan may not do. Clear your cookies too, that might help.
Will do. I clear my cookies almost everyday but today it wouldn`t work. The scammers
did a good job. I`ve not tried since I got it "sorted" I`ll try later.. thanks Jenny x
Reference: maggie
Scotty i had exactly the same thing at the weekend,if OH had not been around i may have fallen for it,because i just thought sh*t ,but he told me to ignore it,couldn't get rid of it,it just kept coming back with more alerts. Turned laptop off and it stopped on Mon morning.Looked genuine and scary,because it made you feel as if you were prepared to leave yourself wide open to all sorts if you didn't press the right buttons. Maggie xx
That sounds promising maggie. Maybe I`ll get back to my normal access after a couple of days? 
I know, it`s really scary. I didn`t have anyone here to help me. Thank goodness for the guy from Virgin otherwise I probably would have bought it. Turns out, even if I had, there`s no antivirus package delivered anyway. Scammers  
I can`t quote now.. sorry if I`m not replying personally. That doesn`t include you Bizzie with your monthly check-up rubbish!  


DD I`ve never done a systems restore in my puff..I wouldn`t know where to find it.  Please guide me..I`m techy numpty had the same as me then? maggie p said to switch it off too. I`lll follow your advice..thankyou x

Olly.. A huge thank you for that. I`ll come back to those links and use them once my computer is back to normal. x

All of your help is much appreciated. I was in a complete panic incase it happened again and now I`m not. Thank you so much. what great bunch you are!  

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