This morning I switched on my computer and was greeted with this.. Your computer is infected..your computer has been hacked..your bank details may be being attacked now!! Your e.mails are being looked at now!! alert alert!! To fix this run our scan. After running it they said I had 25 major threats high alert! In order to fix it I had to buy their package @ $59.95. Everytime I tried to delete their windows, which came from my bottom bar..they came back. I tried accessing of other sites and up came this>> Major alert..if you access these sites your computer is in danger so we`ve blocked them for you. It gave me an option to access the sites knowing the danger. I tried. It didn`t work. They`d blocked me completely. I almost bought the package but decided to phone Virgin media first. I got a lovely guy who told me it was a scam. He helped me fix it by taking a different route using "safe mode" It took almost 2 hours I`ve now lost everything on my bottom bar and most of my desk top stuff and I don`t know what else. The alert looked plausable..they were pertaining to be "internet explorer virus alert" The design looked exactly like them. I can`t access any sites in the same way now..I`ve got to go around the houses. I can`t open more that one window at a time...everything is mucked up.
I hope not but has this ever happened to you?
I hope not but has this ever happened to you?