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She say's going into BB was the worst decision she has ever made and even the money didn't make up for it, Holly say's that's the only reality show she would do, Nicola say's no-one ever listens too her but please don't ever do it, let's just say the editing was very good you'd be better in the jungle eating bugs


Not sure if she is coming back on later as she said i'll tell you all the gossip in abit 

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Originally Posted by Sezit:

Yes Cold Sweat. She came across worse than when she was on BB. She said that she goes through her husbands e.mails, texts,'phone calls etc. Even when he asks her not to look at christmas she still does.She came across as a very jealous woman who has big trusts issues. Not a nice person at all.

I am hoping they don't invite her back onto BBBOTS after she slated the show 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Apparently Nicola has tweeted that she has sent a tweet too Denise asking her to tell everyone what really happened during pantsgate  Denise hasn't replied


I wonder what it is that Nicola wants airing but doesn't feel able to say it herself

Gawd knows but if it's something negative perhaps she feels it's better coming straight from the horses mouth,

Originally Posted by Aimee:

She say's going into BB was the worst decision she has ever made and even the money didn't make up for it, Holly say's that's the only reality show she would do, Nicola say's no-one ever listens too her but please don't ever do it, let's just say the editing was very good you'd be better in the jungle eating bugs


Hmmm... This coming from the woman who claimed on BotS that Aaron was behaving "like an abusive husband".

I'd like to think that she'll now take at least a few minutes to rethink that and other comments in light of her own experiences, but somehow I doubt it...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

She say's going into BB was the worst decision she has ever made and even the money didn't make up for it, Holly say's that's the only reality show she would do, Nicola say's no-one ever listens too her but please don't ever do it, let's just say the editing was very good you'd be better in the jungle eating bugs


Hmmm... This coming from the woman who claimed on BotS that Aaron was behaving "like an abusive husband".

I'd like to think that she'll now take at least a few minutes to rethink that and other comments in light of her own experiences, but somehow I doubt it...

I love how they always blame the editing 

Originally Posted by sparkles:

I think the reaction to Nicola by the horrid chavvy BB audience was horrible, but I just cannot warm to this girl at all.  What is she actually famous for anyway?  Apart from getting her boobs out, being married to a footballer, and being a bitch (but not being able to take the same treatment back!)

I have know idea what she's famous for either but she's just telling the truth so it's ok to be nasty in her world, also why are they making a movie about Gareths life  i had never heard of him before i saw him on This Morning a couple of weeks ago saying he was gay

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by sparkles:

I think the reaction to Nicola by the horrid chavvy BB audience was horrible, but I just cannot warm to this girl at all.  What is she actually famous for anyway?  Apart from getting her boobs out, being married to a footballer, and being a bitch (but not being able to take the same treatment back!)

I have know idea what she's famous for either but she's just telling the truth so it's ok to be nasty in her world, also why are they making a movie about Gareths life  i had never heard of him before i saw him on This Morning a couple of weeks ago saying he was gay

Have to admit Aimee, I never heard of him before either.  

I had heard of him before. He was one of the more famous and successful welsh rugby union players who unexpectedly and I think after his divorce came out as gay. Pretty lacklustre in the house though. Since there is a great deal in the news at the moment about Justin and John Fashanu they may at some point link it all up. This is all in the realms of sport (for men)
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Gareth was the first openly gay male athlete,sexuality shouldn't matter but sadly to some it still does.

I still wouldn't have thought that Americans would be interested,, seeing as most people here don't even know him 

Sport is worldwide, sadly within some areas of sport being openly gay is *Taboo* ,that link includes a piece how he spoke on the Ellen DeGeneres chat show about his sexuality so he probably is *Known* over there.I hope they do make a movie,it may be beneficial to other gay sportsman that they don't have to hide their sexuality,it may help the others (fans etc)to be more accepting.

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

I dont understand why  he still got  married knowing he was gay..seems very unfair to his wife ..not sure if they had a family together..

Do you know Marg, I used to think how unfair it was on the wives of married gay men.  I still do to a certain extent but to be honest are they any different from those men that commit bigamy or pretend they're single when they're not?  All these men (not just gay ones) are all liars and cheats and use these women for their own means.  They don't appear to love or have any respect for the women they string along.  The only difference I would say is that it's hard enough to lose a partner to a member of the opposite sex, but to lose a partner to another man/or women (yes women are just as capable of doing this as men) it can leave some thinking that they're not good enough or that they've 'turned them gay'.  


From my little knowledge, most gay people will tell you that they knew there was something 'different' about them from a very early age.  I understand years ago it was difficult coming out and today it still is to a certain degree, but is it fair when you know you're gay to marry someone just to try and fit in?  In an ideal world, no gay person would suffer from homophobia but we don't live in an ideal world 


My personal opinion (and it is just mine) is that better they stay 'single' and have a secret relationship and be happy if they themselves choose not to be openly gay. 



And I love Gareth as he's a legend for being an British and Irish Lion 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
 All these men (not just gay ones) are all liars and cheats and use these women for their own means.  They don't appear to love or have any respect for the women they string along.  The only difference I would say is that it's hard enough to lose a partner to a member of the opposite sex, but to lose a partner to another man/or women (yes women are just as capable of doing this as men) it can leave some thinking that they're not good enough or that they've 'turned them gay'.  



i think that's a bit strong TBH. I'm sure he loved (and still loves) his wife. I know we are living in supposedly 'enlightened' times and all that but - I would imagine being involved in a very 'masculine' sport and possibly living in a small community it may have seemed easier to kid himself that he was straight - although it's sometimes hard to admit it to all around you it is often harder to take the first step in admitting it to yourself IMO.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
 All these men (not just gay ones) are all liars and cheats and use these women for their own means.  They don't appear to love or have any respect for the women they string along.  The only difference I would say is that it's hard enough to lose a partner to a member of the opposite sex, but to lose a partner to another man/or women (yes women are just as capable of doing this as men) it can leave some thinking that they're not good enough or that they've 'turned them gay'.  



i think that's a bit strong TBH. I'm sure he loved (and still loves) his wife. I know we are living in supposedly 'enlightened' times and all that but - I would imagine being involved in a very 'masculine' sport and possibly living in a small community it may have seemed easier to kid himself that he was straight - although it's sometimes hard to admit it to all around you it is often harder to take the first step in admitting it to yourself IMO.

I give up!!!!!

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
 All these men (not just gay ones) are all liars and cheats and use these women for their own means.  They don't appear to love or have any respect for the women they string along.  The only difference I would say is that it's hard enough to lose a partner to a member of the opposite sex, but to lose a partner to another man/or women (yes women are just as capable of doing this as men) it can leave some thinking that they're not good enough or that they've 'turned them gay'.  



i think that's a bit strong TBH. I'm sure he loved (and still loves) his wife. I know we are living in supposedly 'enlightened' times and all that but - I would imagine being involved in a very 'masculine' sport and possibly living in a small community it may have seemed easier to kid himself that he was straight - although it's sometimes hard to admit it to all around you it is often harder to take the first step in admitting it to yourself IMO.

I give up!!!!!

Why? Is my opinion not as valid as yours?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
The link doesn't work on m'phone but I can't see the police lending themselves to such tomfoolery. Unfortunately the death threat myth is so overplayed that no-one believes it anymore, even if in this case it turns out to be true.

If ,as reported,the police saw the tweets and are trying to trace the *Culprit* I hope they do find them and hold them accountable for the threats.Apparently it's Greater Manchester Police who contacted her .

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I was in the Fish shop earlier. They always leave a couple of scratter papers out for punters. I note that Nicola has played the famous death threat card.

The police seem to be taking it quite seriously, apparently it was them who urged her to make a formal complaint.

Article  link

That story is about death threats to Natasha Giggs, not Nicola.

Eugene's Lair

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