Represents everything that is wrong with modern music... absolutely horrific and her grammy performance may go down as one of the worst of all time
Reviews of tonights Grammys are ripping right into her at the minute.
Represents everything that is wrong with modern music... absolutely horrific and her grammy performance may go down as one of the worst of all time
Reviews of tonights Grammys are ripping right into her at the minute.
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Just watched and it was pretty awful. On the other hand I do like 'Superbass', her best track imo.
I can do an amazing impression of her, if i do say so myself It has lil gyps in hysterics.
Now that I would pay to see
See now I am proper belly laughing as the thought of Gyps attempting any kind of rapping just sounds like the Spice Girls in my head
''Nooowwww I'll tell you wot I want, wot I really really want''
ended with the legendary ''Zigger zig ahhhhh''
Oh no.... i dont say actual words, very much like nicki minaj ( I do change the surname to something more suitable) No...I just make the noises that he words should make....
the actions that accompany the noise is quite spectacular though
Gyp C in da house! ''Zigger zig ahhhhh!'' Oh not its getting worse!
If you could still pull off your ja rule impression we could have been the next big thing
I do a mean Jay Z if you can do Beyonce?
Thats all the encouragement I need *goes to practice single lady dance in mirror*
oh oh ohhh ohhh ohhohhhho ohh ohhh *flicks hand*
errrrrrm I dont think Jay Z was on that track
Well when were the grammys on? I didn't see them on anywhere.
Well when were the grammys on? I didn't see them on anywhere.
It was on in America last night.
On another note... The Beach Boys were great
"I'm picking up good vibrations"
I know they were on in America last night, but where and when were they televised in the UK?
I know they were on in America last night, but where and when were they televised in the UK?
Tonight will be highlights. Channel 4 at 12:30... so technically tomorrow.
have we got a vid of nickys minge appearing on the grammys please
*hang on*
ive just been told ive spelt her name wrong
yeah right
That's so sweet!
That's so sweet!
They are pretty much regulars on the Ellen Show now. There's loads of videos -
Remind me of what 2 Shoes were probably like at that age.
I can't stick her!! I have a slightly different surname for her
still starts in M and ends in a "ge" sound
her rapping is cr@p
I'd never heard if her until I saw them talking about the Grammy awards on Daybreak yesterday. I did laugh at Ross King expressing his immense dislike for Chris Brown though.
I cant stand her with her wobbly head and flickering eyes! I was watching her on youtube yesterday and i think she was trying to get a slice of Lady Gagas's pie (oow matron!) but totally forgot to be good as well as controversial.
Although i do like Superbase
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