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Liberal Democrat leader indicated that the time has arrived when people should know more about the coalition's disagreements

The Liberal Democrats plan to air future disagreements with their Conservative partners in public as Nick Clegg attempts to assert a more distinctive identity for his party in a new phase for the coalition.

On the eve of a difficult byelection in Oldham East and Saddleworth, the deputy prime minister declared that disagreements mark the "starting point" of most of his discussions with David Cameron.

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Well, Clegg... better late than never eh

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Agree with Issy bi elections coming up pity he did not stand his ground when it came to the students fees, would not surprise me in the least if this is just been a set up between Clegg and Cameron in other words one big farce just like the man himself,the only way he will get some credibility back for his party is to leave the condems coalition.
He is just hoping this will stop an embarrassing trounce at the by election,then the May elections..
Clegg has lost all credibility now ,he has shamelessly gone back on most of the Lib Dem manifesto
I feel so bad for anyone who voted LibDem at the last election in the hope of keeping the Tories out.
I doubt they will  ever vote LibDem again.
Prick Clegg says,
"You actually sit down and say we don't agree, let's work out how we agree. If people want to hear a bit more about that process, or want to just know that that is a process that goes on, I'm very relaxed about that."

Then you throw all your principals out of the window Prick and agree to selling your grannie in the name of power, you pathetic tosspot. Trailing in the polls at 8%, the lowest since they were formed, and anything Prick Clegg's said in the last 12 months have been proven to be bullsh*t.  I never thought I would detest a government so much as I did Thatcher and her motley crew, but these public schoolboys playing at running the country seem to be overtaking my intense and irrational dislike for her. 

To think I even considered voting for them when Charles Kennedy was their leader, because stupidly I thought they were a party of integrity, thanks god I stopped myself.
Prick Clegg says, "You actually sit down and say we don't agree, let's work out how we agree. If people want to hear a bit more about that process, or want to just know that that is a process that goes on, I'm very relaxed about that."

What's to hear? Surely it's pretty obvious that he spouts his disagreement and is simply told - 'too bad - this is the way we're doing it' - he replies 'OK - Dave'.

In all honesty how could it be any different? - a coalition of parties that have very little in common. The vain, power hungry, hypocritical Clegg simply saw an opportunity to get (what he saw as) a bit of power and influence and waved goodbye to integrity and principles. He has damaged his party beyond measure and - for what?
Soozy Woo
What's to hear? Surely it's pretty obvious that he spouts his disagreement and is simply told - 'too bad - this is the way we're doing it' - he replies 'OK - Dave'. In all honesty how could it be any different? - a coalition of parties that have very little in common. The vain, power hungry, hypocritical Clegg simply saw an opportunity to get (what he saw as) a bit of power and influence and waved goodbye to integrity and principles. He has damaged his party beyond measure and - for what?

My sentiments exactly, we all know there are disagreements and then the Libdems cave in, end of. IMO the only way they can restore any faith is to oust Clegg and walk away from this farce.
Pfft! he's toast..Pity, the fool is going to take most of the flak instead of the Tories...eejit! 
As I stated before,we in Scotland have our parliament elections in May this year.Now the Lib dems used to do rather well here outside of the central belt,which is more Labour territory..alas the Lib Dems will  be on a raft without a paddle.Scotland has one Tory MP.

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