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Former Member

Half Term Report

It is always quite difficult to criticise a TV show you have been on without sounding resentful, spiteful or having an axe to grind.
I believe (allegedly) that last year's winner is to bring out a book which explains, in his view, the poor way in which contestants are treated by a production company and or a TV channel. I would agree this can happen, but everyone who has been on Big Brother was given the 'talk of doom' beforehand and were made aware of the pros and the cons of doing the show. If they decided to then do the show and sign the forms then they have to take the rough with the smooth.
I understand having spoken with cast members from other countries that they are looked after better than here in the UK - well, if that is true then go and do the show in Germany then. It is as ridiculous as winning the lottery and blaming Camelot for any misfortune that becomes of winning that lucky ticket.
To this years show: by and large I think it is good. It is quite well cast (apart from having models, which I think defeats the very point of the show) as contestants mainly appear quite normal and appeal to a cross-section of the viewing public.
I do feel there is no clear winner at this stage. Had Luke S kept his mouth shut about his secret he would sail through to the final days. Getting to the final can be very easy as it is purely about being 'grey' and in this house there are five shades of grey and then there are the rest - those people tend to reach the last two weeks and then are exposed by the cameras to be dull.
I think there is a danger of the show becoming less Big Brother and more Butlins. The tasks are designed to pass, rather than fail, and I think they have lacked imagination or they have been ripped from other shows.  The 'not laughing' task was so easy - they could have pumped laughing gas into the house and they still would have passed.
The contestants are allowed too many treats and they are allowed to bring far too many personal items into the house. The shower doors should not be frosted out and having such a big area, including a pool, means housemates can really switch off for a few hours and escape the harshness of the show - which is a huge pyschological advantage.
Punishments are pathetic. Taking away the table football is not a punishment, nor is turning off the hot water in summer a punishment. Wake them up very early, take away their booze and turn off the heaters to the pool. Do something to make them suffer.
Bring back the talking parrot! I really do think people who have been on the show and experienced it should be on the task teams as they truly understand what would work.
The 'voice of Big Brother' Marcus Bentley has been brilliant as ever, but sometimes his script is so childish and obvious (almost like the product placement on the show ) it takes away what a good job he does. Brian does a good job as presenter too.
The off shoot show BBBOTS has been funny this year, especially the Monday to Friday helpings. Jamie and Emma are brilliant together but I would suggest getting rid of the 'bedtime story' and replace it with more chat with the guests. I do not like the new psychologist on the show as he has all the charm and charisma of a wounded badger. Get rid of him. Bring back Jo Hemmings...
I understand the reasons for not having the live feed but I just believe you should give the public what they want.
Big Brother is becoming a commercial success with all the competitions and product placements and text voting etc, but it runs the danger of becoming fake and the viewers are not stupid.
Having said that the line up for Celebrity Big Brother shows great promise...

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Yeah I thought he meant Luke A but then I thought surely not cos it's not like that's anything new in BB as far as a huge bit of news for the masses. . Nadia [is that her name I've gone blank again?] won on the transsexual ticket didn't she cos it wasn't for her personality am damn sure of that..


 There was another guy/girl too.. Sam and Rodrigo is Rodrigo no more either? Kamal wasn't sure what way to go if I recall..


maybe it is the one snooker and one ping pong ball thing then

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Reality star Sam’s amazing new life

Then and now ... Sam, left, snapped for his Big Brother stint and, right, as he is today
Then and now ... Sam, left, snapped for his Big Brother  stint and, right, as he is tod



The former reality show star is also now a household name as a TV presenter  in MALAYSIA.

Sam, 24, from Irvine, Ayrshire, was introduced to Big Brother viewers as a  fame-hungry SHE when he entered the famous house in 2006.

Born a boy, the perma-tanned nail technician dressed as a woman on the  Channel  4 show.

Speaking from his home in Singapore, Sam said: “I’ve changed from my female  persona and am living life as a male.

Cross-roads ... Sam's antics worried his parents
Cross-roads ... Sam's antics worried his parents

“I am very happy  with my transition. It took me a while to really find out who  I wanted to be,  and what I wanted to do for a living.


“I’ve learned some of my hardest and most important life lessons within the  last seven years.

“Someone asked me the other day if I could change my past would I? I  answered, ‘If it was not for my mistakes in the past, I wouldn’t be who I am  today’.”

Sam endured a torrid time after being voted off BB and was even said to have  been admitted to a psychiatric unit for depression. The half-Indonesian was  also accused of fraud, dodging rent payments and even ROMPING with an  Arsenal player.

Now Sam has lifted the lid on the truth about his life after BB and how he  decided to relocate to Asia in January 2007.

He quickly got work as a TV host and is now one of the most famous faces in  Malaysia.

Sam married gorgeous wife Indry and his baby daughter Kimmy was born last  Sunday.

Childhood ... with Emmy and Robin aged 5
Childhood ... with Emmy and Robin aged 5

He added: “Since Big Brother, I learned the true meaning of what ‘infamy’ was all about and had a pretty tough time.


“There were many rumours online suggesting that I was mentally ill and had  been hospitalised after my ordeal on the show, which was actually to the  contrary.

“I married Indry, my girlfriend of three years in December last year and have  just been blessed with the birth of our first child Kimmy Brodie, a healthy  girl, weighing in at seven pounds.

“She was born on the 14th of August, and she’s a little stunner.

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous.

“It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your  body.

“I am very happy with my life, content, and have an amazing wife and baby.”

It’s a far cry from the angry teenager who struggled with an inner turmoil  while growing up.

Fame at last ... Sam, pictured with wife Indry, has become a huge star in Malaysia as a TV presenter
Fame at last ... Sam, pictured with wife Indry,
has  become a huge star in Malaysia as a TV presenter

His dad  Robin, 61, claimed Sam once attacked his mum Emmy and wrecked their  home after  telling them he wanted to be a woman aged just 14. Robin, 61,  told The Scottish  Sun in 2006: “Our son was bullied at school and he took  his frustrations and  anger out on us.


“One time, I had been working away from home and my wife phoned me crying  because Samuel had kicked her and hit her.

“Because he was taking out his emotional stress on us sometimes the house was  trashed.”

Sam ended up staying in a homeless shelter but was still desperate for fame.

His big chance came when he made it onto C4’s Big Brother 7 when he entered  the house late after being WON by the housemates in a game.

After being bullied by housemate Grace Adams-Short, Sam was booted out in the  public vote after just 11 days.

But he insisted he has no regrets over taking part. He said: “I really  enjoyed  my experience. Looking back on it, I was very young and still quite  naive  and as a direct result of the show I learned a lot about myself and  others  around me.

“Even now, it still annoys me that I didn’t go into the house the first day  as  was initially intended by the producers.

New meaning ... Sam and Indry's baby daughter, Kimmy
New meaning ... Sam and Indry's baby daughter,  Kimmy

“Going in after the launch night was probably to my  detriment and it also  contrasted so much with the more positive experience I  had when I was  involved in the guinea pig show prior to BB7.


“I won the popularity vote in the guinea pig house and Aisleyne  (Horgan-Wallace) was voted off first — the opposite to what happened on the  show.”

And as Big Brother gets set to make a comeback on Channel Five tonight, Sam  revealed he’s still in touch with many of his former housemates including  Ryan  Giggs’s ex-mistress Imogen Thomas, but NOT tormentor  Grace.

His favourite ever housemate is Jade Goody who died of cervical cancer in  2009.

Sam said: “She was highly entertaining with her witty, sometimes stupid,  comments and antics, which she paid for in the end; but there was an  innocence  about her people didn’t see.

“I was very happy to get to know her.

“She was a lovely girl, sorely missed and the best, most successful housemate  ever.”



Sam has used his fame to open and fund the Mama Cares orphanage.

He said: “I got a call from a TV station to interview for a show called  Insert! in 2008 and have been on telly ever since.

“I started doing appearances here and there for various prime time shows, and  became a household name after a few years.

“I currently have a cooking show and also do regular presenting slots for  other channels, as well as starring in a few sitcom and soap drama series.

“But helping these amazing kids has truly given me another meaning to life. I  couldn’t be happier



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