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Watching BBC news. (They are talking about defence spending cuts.)

They have a reporter live in Portsmouth.
They have a reporter live in Kinloss.
Thewy have a reporter live in Catterick.
They didn't move about. They didn't show us anything other than one constant background.
Why do they spend money sending reporters (and their teams) out to these widespread places when there is absolutely no need?
What they said could have been delivered from the studio.
A good use of money?

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I always assumed that the news teams were based all around the country - therefore they don't need to go far?

However, it does make me laugh when I am watching the BBC news in the morning and they show someone live from wherever, and the poor sod is stood outside in the cold and all we can see behind them is pitch dark
I don't think I would generalize. After all there are many occasions when it is important that a reportes is on the spot. One only has to think of the recent rescue of the miners in Chile.
But there are many times when there is no good reason for a reporter to be at a certain spot, especially when they are not interviewing anyone or uncovering new evidence.
"This is the field where Fred was found" says the reporter standing in a field.
No need I would say. They surely have pictures of fields in their massive library.
A police statement has to be delivered from that spot where the "Scotland Yard" 3-sided sign rotates. There is no need to stand there. The statement has been issued by technology - it has not been delievered by hand to a reporter  who has popped round to collect it.
Why do Downing Street statements have to be commented upon from Downing Street, when the statement has already been released to the press?
I'd say it's sometimes good to be on the spot, and sometimes quite unnecessary.

*oops that's a bit long - sorry*
Perhaps we do pay towards their pay a bit in the BBC I dont know to be honest, I still dont see it as a problem or a waste of money as it is a news program and we get first hand news.. they have to compete with the other channels IMO.

lol, we pay for virtually all.  Aside from it's overseas income, where d'you think BBC cash comes from? 
I object more when there are reporters outside the house of someone who has suffered a loss in their family and we are told how they have asked for their privacy to be respected at this time and how they will not be commenting.

Usually the reporter acts as though they are the only reporter who should be there and implies that all the other reporters are causing unnecessary grief to said person.

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