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After the row with Bea this morning, Noirin retreated with Isaac, leaving her opponent to try and win over some supporters from the other housemates. One housemate, though, is not going to be won over by anybody.

"I don't wanna really defend Bea," Lisa told David in the Garden. "I know exactly what she's like. She won't pull the wool over my eyes."

Lisa took her usual seat at the bus stop and carried on. "I'm keeping out of it," she continued. "I've got my issues with what I think of Noirin. I've dealt with it. I've totally just let her ignore me. I've just left it. That's what you do - just walk away and ignore it. I know the people whose corners I'll back and who I won't," she concluded.

When Charlie joined them, Lisa took the opportunity to reiterate this. "As I was saying to David, Noirin's not really spoken to me," she explained. "When Bea came in this House she was all 'Noirin, Noirin, Noirin'. She hardly spoke to me. Now she wants me to back her up and listen to what she wants to say about Noirin."

Moments later Bea joined them on the bench and the conversation fizzled out into a long silence.
"You're keeping quiet Lisa!" noted Bea. "I don't think I've ever seen you so quiet."
"Really?" said Lisa, seemingly amazed. "You know me. I have my views and opinions. I've been in here - I know."

And that was the end of that conversation. Amazingly. Lisa, a woman of few words? We never thought we'd see the day.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by longcat:
Good for her. Bea uses and abuses. She was slagging Lisa off yesterday for being unemployed now she wants to involve her in something she started.

But in the early hours of this morning, Lisa was in the bathroom, slagging off Noirin and Issac to Bea and Marcus, while they were taking a bath, about this rectum tree comment Issac made.Lisa was trying to rally everyone round her at that point. Nod So don't know whats happened since then, maybe Lisa is setting Bea up for nomination monday!
Originally posted by cologne1:
Lisa's a coward. She talks the talk, but she never walks the walk. If she's ever confronted, she just ends up lalaing. Pathetic.

that's largely how I see it with Lisa Nod how many times during a postmortem of an incident does she say "I should have said this or that" she will never say anything that jepordises her place in the house Smiler she just biatches about it behind peoples backs.
Originally posted by Scotty:
That`s exactly right pigeon pie she was in there stirring it up, looking for back up.

I have to laugh at this. "I know the people whose corners I'll back and who I won't."
Who has Lisa ever backed up? Laugh

She`s all talk and no action.

Shes an absolute arse through and through ,I agree with Bea's rant about her.Although Bea cant say these things its for forummers only! Mad
Originally posted by cologne1:
Lisa's a coward. She talks the talk, but she never walks the walk. If she's ever confronted, she just ends up lalaing. Pathetic.

Spot on, Lisa's done nothing but pull Noirin to bits in selected company. Lisa's only keeping quiet because A she doesn't like Bea and B she knows now she's disliked by the public.
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Lisa quietly marshalling her team against Bea (lol).
If the HMs knew the games Bea was playing behind their backs Lisa wouldn't have to try too hard.

Very true Longcat...but they're all at it in their own way. Makes BB fun for us though Laugh
Agreed. But it seems its ok for everybody to play the game but not Lisa.
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Lisa's a coward. She talks the talk, but she never walks the walk. If she's ever confronted, she just ends up lalaing. Pathetic.

Spot on, Lisa's done nothing but pull Noirin to bits in selected company. Lisa's only keeping quiet because A she doesn't like Bea and B she knows now she's disliked by the public.
She was even pulling her to bits in Beas company last night. The one changing her mind seems to be Lisa to me.

I can see what she is doing. Charlie, David and Lisa thats three. Add Noirin and Isaac thats 5 and a powerful group again.

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