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Have just pulled this from another thread?
Hello...are you a proper lurker newbie or yet another of the pretendy ones?

How is this forum going to go forward with all this paranoia about? There are few members on here as it is and these sorts of comments must put off potential newcomers. I was new here a few weeks back and got this link from a relative who was banned here, but the welcome i have had since seems to me to be paranoia by some of the FMs on here. Give folk a chance and let the mods deem who is who.

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Crispy, I couldn't give a toss if you're a genuine newbie, Real, Real's second cousin twice removed or Real's pet hamster. But you keep on going on and on about how newbies and yourself are treated on here, and to be fair I have seen people conversing with you on more than a regular basis with no mention of alt ID's. I'm not seeing this supposed witch hunt that you keep talking about
Why "Crispy" are you dragging up the same old stuff over and over and over and over..

Because folk are still dragging up the same old paranoia about me being someone else.
Just lets get on with keeping this forum a happy place and enjoy the chat. I try my best to keep up with the latest topics but feel that some folk are still paranoid as to who i am
Crispy Christmas
The reference to " real"
LOL, see, that's not what I meant at all, I meant 'real' as in 'genuine.' If I'd meant Real, I'd have typed it with a capital R....But, hey, if the cap fits! Me thinks thou protesteth too much. Why keep banging on and on and on about not being accepted and repeatedly telling people that you're an ex forum members cousin/ cousin of his wife? Why not just post in a friendly manner
Why not just post in a friendly manner

I do, but was amazed at all the negativity Tuppence got when she posted. Other newbies may come here via LC and links and how would they feel when getting the same reception as us????Certain folk on here have reffered to me as being "Real"  assumtions again. Like you state-- just post in a friendly manner and socialise with everyone.
Crispy Christmas
Anyway Real, when you assume a new ID you wanna try changing your posting style and stop making the same spelling mistakes and typos
You seem to me to be a sad git who spends their time looking for every mistake folk make on here, You are one of the main FM's who are out to get me banned as me being " Real"  Get a life and start posting something usefull that others find they can reply to instead of keep trying to get me banned as you did "Real"
Crispy Christmas
You seem to me to be a sad git who spends their time looking for every mistake folk make on here, You are one of the main FM's who are out to get me banned as me being " Real" Get a life and start posting something usefull that others find they can reply to instead of keep trying to get me banned as you did "Real"

chill yer beans matey.......i'm sure yer don't wanna get banned like yer wifes cousins postman or whoever it was..

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