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I HATE New Years Eve..,,I will stay in and probably be in bed by about 11 while husband works and get propositioned with promises of sex for fares...still last year he had a 'far slag' lookylikey and a bloke proposition him...he said if he'd had to choose he'd have gone for the bloke!
Blimey Croc 

Not a huge fan of New year - I always get reflective but last new year's eve was the best ever and I am hoping that this year will  be the same.
I love NYE's now...    we have a family games tournament night...   using games from the PS2, PS3 & Wii  (Buzz Quiz Games etc)...   and we have small prizes such as Lush Bathbombs, Gadgets, vodka jelly (for the older family members), and the grand prize this year will be a ÂĢ10 Facebook Credits Card!    (plus hubby usually produces surprise prizes ...  I got perfume one year! )

All this is accompanied by some bubbly, chips n dips, and nibbles...  

We have a quiz break to watch the fireworks on the telly at midnight!
I don't like NYE ...... I have to avoid eye contact with my sis for weeks before hand, to try and get out of going out to the pub if I drink I get all maudlin and start wailing "where have all the years gone"

So it will be a teetotal evening..spent indoors with my son, desperately trying to pretend we're still in the Christmas Bubble.....and maybe pop in here to spend a bit of time with a few of you lot!

(or alternatively I'm cadging a lift with MrsB to Ditty's )
Lt Commander Data Duck
or alternatively I'm cadging a lift with MrsB to Ditty's

there is a part of me now... that wishes 'the others' would go do something else... so I could ship you two down for the evening!

Still...   next year I reckon Ickle will be out partying... and the tradition of NYE being a family event will be gone....

Soooooo......  you could come here & start a new tradition...   NYE's forum bird house invasion!
I'm not that bothered by New Year these days even though I'm Scottish.I remember when I was a kid and in my teens etc(I'm 54)  it was great time.We would put on our good clothes,get the glasses washed and ready for "The Bells" Midnight,and await our "First foot" .This was always my Uncle Jimmy,he was my dads batchelor  brother and was a great laugh.Then my aunt and uncle and their daughter  would  come  up  too,a few others and we'd have a party.No one got overly pissed we'd sing songs etc.
My dad would go with his bottle of whisky and first foot the neighbours,good times.All gone now,I feel rather sad at |New Years now.Oh I've got younger relations etc,but they party every weekend nearly.New year to me has lost it's sparkle...God I'm gonna end up with drink in me hand and be a  maudling auld besom! Cheers.

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