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Yes, there are still 'First Footers' in Scotland....they don't tend to bring a lump of coal anymore though!

Mr Fluffy Thing and I usually have his mum over for NYE (she's 89 now) so we don't do anything much except have a wee drink at the bells to see the New Year in, watch a bit of TV, then go off to bed if no-one has called in. We do phone the relatives who live a long distance away.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

What are your plans this NYE? Do you love it, do you hate it


If your Scottish do you still get first footers etc.


Yet again for the 10th year running, im working...worse still im not even going out afterwards as the grandparents are not having my cherub !!!!! So it will be a bottle of champagne and watching fireworks from the neighbours

Awww Gypsie  sorry bout that.

I'm of Scottish [Northern Ireland] extraction... where we believe in the old first footing traditions...

But I gotta say... when we broke the traditions - ie no dark first footer - those were the best years I've had.....  


We always make a point of being at home, together, playing games, having a few drinks and just generally spending it as a family.  We don't invite anyone over and we never ever go out.  I've been like this since I was young, my Mum always said 'start the New Year as you mean to go on' well I mean for my year to go on with my kids and OH, happy together and having a bit of fun so that's exactly what we do on NYE.  Even as a late teen I'd never go out with my mates and would stay in with my parents even though all my siblings would be out enjoying themselves


We love New Years Eve...  


we always have food, drink & family games night with prizes...  (just little stuff... lush bath bombs, scratch cards, can of Pimms (ready mixed) etc) 


Wii & PS3 games like Buzz, Mario Kart, Quiz Games etc...    just hubby, the kids & I... 


we love it! 



I've had some cracking NYE's out, but I have also had some bloody awful ones when I was younger...   so much pressure for it to be a good night...


I love what we do now

Originally Posted by Ells:

We always make a point of being at home, together, playing games, having a few drinks and just generally spending it as a family.  We don't invite anyone over and we never ever go out.  I've been like this since I was young, my Mum always said 'start the New Year as you mean to go on' well I mean for my year to go on with my kids and OH, happy together and having a bit of fun so that's exactly what we do on NYE.  Even as a late teen I'd never go out with my mates and would stay in with my parents even though all my siblings would be out enjoying themselves

 What a lovely New Year Ells... 


We always had stayed in with the kids had neighbours in and a fun night. The kids got older - we had great parties - the kids started going out - we;d be in with friends, neighbours, family (open house) and the kids joined in when they came home.


the last three years we've gone down to my sister (4 hour drive) taken my mum too - lovely meal in and it's been lovely to have that tyime together as we don't ever get to spend Christmas together - we'll be going down to Kent Saturday afternoon and seeing all the nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews too on New Years Day. My daughter is coming as well this year - she's single for the first time in 12 years, although she has people to go out with she said she wants to be with people who are special to her!


It's all about being with loved ones TBH. And .....although we're not Scottish we always send someone dark out of the back door to be the first person through the door on NYD!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Dunno what I'm doing this year. I might just take the time to catch up on the recorded telly and have an early night 

Don't forget the cans  i'm on the cans tonight and i feel so bloated, i didn't want them going too waste 

I know, after the festivities I'm only drinking at the weekend 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Dunno what I'm doing this year. I might just take the time to catch up on the recorded telly and have an early night 

Don't forget the cans  i'm on the cans tonight and i feel so bloated, i didn't want them going too waste 

I know, after the festivities I'm only drinking at the weekend 

well these were looking at me everytime i opened the fridge  and my tight arse brother bought them so i'm going too drink the whole lot while thinking of him moaning i didn't give them back too him when he left 


I really can't be bothered with NYE out ... the pubs charge a fortune to get in, even before you have a drink, and then some sweaty git always wants to stick his tongue down your throat at midnight. Yuck 


We shall stay in and have a takeaway, a nice bottle of something, finish off the Baileys and watch Jools on the telly. Bliss

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by nuts:

Dunno what I'm doing this year. I might just take the time to catch up on the recorded telly and have an early night 

Don't forget the cans  i'm on the cans tonight and i feel so bloated, i didn't want them going too waste 

I know, after the festivities I'm only drinking at the weekend 

well these were looking at me everytime i opened the fridge  and my tight arse brother bought them so i'm going too drink the whole lot while thinking of him moaning i didn't give them back too him when he left 

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I really can't be bothered with NYE out ... the pubs charge a fortune to get in, even before you have a drink, and then some sweaty git always wants to stick his tongue down your throat at midnight. Yuck 


We shall stay in and have a takeaway, a nice bottle of something, finish off the Baileys and watch Jools on the telly. Bliss

Ooooh, there's an idea! 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

I really can't be bothered with NYE out ... the pubs charge a fortune to get in, even before you have a drink, and then some sweaty git always wants to stick his tongue down your throat at midnight. Yuck 


We shall stay in and have a takeaway, a nice bottle of something, finish off the Baileys and watch Jools on the telly. Bliss

Ooooh, there's an idea! 

And come on here   sure what could be better...

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

I really can't be bothered with NYE out ... the pubs charge a fortune to get in, even before you have a drink, and then some sweaty git always wants to stick his tongue down your throat at midnight. Yuck 


We shall stay in and have a takeaway, a nice bottle of something, finish off the Baileys and watch Jools on the telly. Bliss

Ooooh, there's an idea! 

And come on here   sure what could be better...

I might do that and see what's occurring 


I really hate going out on New Year's Eve.  I loathe the crowds, the false jolliness, and having to avoid being slobbered on by complete strangers; the only good thing is that it marks the end of Christmas.  This has been the worst year of my life, and we'll be celebrating the end of it indoors with a Chinese takeaway and a nice bottle of champagne. 

Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I really hate going out on New Year's Eve.  I loathe the crowds, the false jolliness, and having to avoid being slobbered on by complete strangers; the only good thing is that it marks the end of Christmas.  This has been the worst year of my life, and we'll be celebrating the end of it indoors with a Chinese takeaway and a nice bottle of champagne. 

Can I come?, I promise not to slobber and use a napkin,.....the only thing is I will still be in the Christmas spirit, I will bring my own flute tho   

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Aimee:


well these were looking at me everytime i opened the fridge  and my tight arse brother bought them so i'm going too drink the whole lot while thinking of him moaning i didn't give them back too him when he left 

Love it  


I'll bet they'll taste twice as good as the ones you buy yourself 

Isn't that always the way....something that's been cooked/made/done for you is always better  

Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I really hate going out on New Year's Eve.  I loathe the crowds, the false jolliness, and having to avoid being slobbered on by complete strangers; the only good thing is that it marks the end of Christmas.  This has been the worst year of my life, and we'll be celebrating the end of it indoors with a Chinese takeaway and a nice bottle of champagne. 



I can relate to that....*high fives to get this bugger over with* 

Originally Posted by Syd:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:

I really hate going out on New Year's Eve.  I loathe the crowds, the false jolliness, and having to avoid being slobbered on by complete strangers; the only good thing is that it marks the end of Christmas.  This has been the worst year of my life, and we'll be celebrating the end of it indoors with a Chinese takeaway and a nice bottle of champagne. 

Can I come?, I promise not to slobber and use a napkin,.....the only thing is I will still be in the Christmas spirit, I will bring my own flute tho   

You can play a duet with Growly Jnr! 


I don't like  New Year,well I used to when I was younger,but now it just means all the loved ones that have gone etc.IT's the maudling Scot in me.Folk now get drink etc easily most weekends.New year when I was younger was a special time,my late dad got out the best whisky to go "First footing" with neighbours etc,the relations would make their way to ours and we would have a party.Not the drink fuelled  crap that goes on now but a good happy time....gawd I feel old.


I've always hated New Year's Eve. To me, it just means drunks - I'm a teetotaller and I loathe loud drunken people - and crowds, which make me claustrophobic.


Usually I have a very quiet New Year's Eve in with the cat, since my boyfriend usually goes back to Tokyo for New Year (it's a very big deal there). This year, my Mum has asked me to go up and spend New Year with her and a few of her friends, so I'll be packing up the cat and hopping on the train on the 31st, then back home on the 2nd just in time to restart my voluntary work on the 3rd.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

I don't like  New Year,well I used to when I was younger,but now it just means all the loved ones that have gone etc.IT's the maudling Scot in me.Folk now get drink etc easily most weekends.New year when I was younger was a special time,my late dad got out the best whisky to go "First footing" with neighbours etc,the relations would make their way to ours and we would have a party.Not the drink fuelled  crap that goes on now but a good happy time....gawd I feel old.

That's what New Year was like when I was young, Katty.

Nowadays, Mr Yogi usually works on New Year's Day, so we don't do any celebrating on New Year's Eve. We have our three sons and their wife/fiancÃĐe/girlfriend round for dinner on New Year's Day and we raise a glass (Schloer, in my case) to the New Year.


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