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Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I can't bear not knowing the time [hate the X mins ago on posts in here and may have mentioned that a few times before. .tell me the actually time without having to hover over it not how long ago please!  ]


I never take my watch off just in case I'd forget to put it back on. .  I always have a waterproof watch so I never have to worry about removing it  when washing etc



I also have two clocks in my lounge as well and hate when one of them needs a new battery and shows the wrong time ..  I may be a bit OCD about the need to know the time thing

Mr Cinds late father had 5 clocks in his living room 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I thought of you when I first read this thread.     Your fancy watch is soooo beautiful.    And the excitement not only you felt when you were buying it, but all us online friends and your family...   


You just wouldn't get that with a ÂĢ4.99 job! 



Spookily, I also thought about you & your watch yesterday morning...   as I watched..  heart in mouth as MrD cracked open his Tag with a pair of pliers      He's replacing the battery HIMSELF!!!!    (says he refuses to pay the couple of hundred quid for the annual service this year!)  


(one of the screws was sooooo tiny it looked a bit of smeg on the end of the teeny tiny magnetic screw driver) 

He did WHAT????!!!   *faint* Oh gawd, I couldn't have coped


Yeah, that's true, I forgot about the excitement and emotional attachment.... I took it out for the day yesterday (:laugh and still get all smiley and happy when I look at it But yes, it's not for every day really, I'd be gutted if I scratched it at work

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

I can't bear not knowing the time [hate the X mins ago on posts in here and may have mentioned that a few times before. .tell me the actually time without having to hover over it not how long ago please!  ]


I never take my watch off just in case I'd forget to put it back on. .  I always have a waterproof watch so I never have to worry about removing it  when washing etc



I also have two clocks in my lounge as well and hate when one of them needs a new battery and shows the wrong time ..  I may be a bit OCD about the need to know the time thing

I'm the same Olly - OCD time peeps unite  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Bottom line for me on this one is... 


whether it be a beautiful watch, or a beautiful phone...   its all about beautiful design!    When I see something that is a beautiful example of beautiful design I have to stroke it 


My theory on it all.. be it a watch, a phone, a house, a car, a huge telly, a piece of art...if you can afford it, if having it isn't going to hurt anyone and if YOU will derive pleasure from it.. go for it.     I don't wear a watch any more - just sort of got out the habit of wearing one - use my phone if I'm out and V+ box in the living room and the oven in the kitchen.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Bottom line for me on this one is... 


whether it be a beautiful watch, or a beautiful phone...   its all about beautiful design!    When I see something that is a beautiful example of beautiful design I have to stroke i


My theory on it all.. be it a watch, a phone, a house, a car, a huge telly, a piece of art...if you can afford it, if having it isn't going to hurt anyone and if YOU will derive pleasure from it.. go for it.     I don't wear a watch any more - just sort of got out the habit of wearing one - use my phone if I'm out and V+ box in the living room and the oven in the kitchen.

I agree Ditty and Kaffy

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

My theory on it all.. be it a watch, a phone, a house, a car, a huge telly, a piece of art...if you can afford it, if having it isn't going to hurt anyone and if YOU will derive pleasure from it.. go for it.  

That's where I am with watches (and other stuff too).  I've never bought a watch for myself due to hubby being a bit ott with them.  He loves a nice watch and so it follows that he thinks I need watches too. Regularly.

Like every other Christmas.


I have told him that I can only wear one at any given time, but that seems to fall on deaf ears.  Currently I'm sporting a Longines which I'll no doubt batter the granny out of in time for Xmas 2012


I suppose it depends on if you want them just for practicalities or if you consider them to be a jewellery item too


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