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You know what makes me smile about all these people who are going on about the size of sigs on the old forum, well they had sigs the same as every body else and quite long ones and some that mention them and say they are glad they are no longer there, aren't even used to a forum. I just don't see why we can have a certain amount of characters/space for a icon at the bottom of the posts, we are not quoteastic any more and the pages are longer so a smaller sig would not be so noticeable, but would make a lot of people feel more at home here, maybe a limit on characters could be thought of in the next update - please, I know I'm not alone in saying that I miss my sig.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
If the page doesn't load corectly the reply box doesn't load properly either, sometimes not at all. Just have to wait until it has sorted itself out and try again later.
I find that if I reload the page, everything shows up where it belongs.
FYI, this is a known issue, and we are working on it, although I'm not sure of the status...

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