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I also have another minor irritation that I've had since I first arrived and have been living with ever since... I never bothered to post it as a problem at the time as you were all *ahem* rather busy with more urgent matters then!
There, there....*pats on head*...tell me your troubles, and I'll see if I can help.
There, there....*pats on head*...tell me your troubles, and I'll see if I can help.
  I've got no job, no boyfriend... Oh! You didn't mean that type of trouble, did you?  
Well, like I've already said...
1. can't access QShark unless you post links now
2. after I first sign in, whenever I first load any part of Gaga or LC and when I do request a reply box, the first one I open never accepts any text. I always have to cancel it and then request another that I can then post in... very minor, I know!  

Oh, and before you ask... again , Mac OS X 10.4.11, Safari 4.0.4...

Well if Chrome won't load fast the problem lies elsewhere. Do you run a virus checker and ad-wear checker, something might be interfering with your uploads. Your system resources may be being used elsewhere. Could be at your end rather than Livecloud. However if everything else works OK that kind of knocks that on the head.
Good luck.
Sorry, but I think we're in a bit of a mess.
No access to the support forms, pages still frequently not loading properly and having to be refreshed immediately to get a working reply box. Unrequested reply boxes appearing everytime a page is changed or refreshed. When submitted it is a lottery as to whether they will go through. The cogs whir for ages, then sometimes the message appears and sometimes you get an error message. It might say the message can't be sent because of an unknown error, other times the server cannot be found.

All these problems are not happening all the time ,but are cropping up frequently but irregularly.

There are periods where everything seems to be working perfectly, but the errors always creep back.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
              Im getting ready to give up at this stage its so frustrating waiting ages for the pages to turn and to reply to posts .......Is it just me its having problems then

               Oddly enough I have been having those problems for ages...but for some reason my site seems OK today, when everyone else's isn't

same here   was bombed out completely last night - nothing would load properly - today everything back to normal - it has been  troublesome since last Friday - dont know if updates have anything to do with these problems
Well, I can answer ONE of these questions for sure:  the "inaccessible support forums" can be found simply by scrolling to the bottom of this page (or any page within Gaga or LiveCloud, I believe), and clicking the link that says "Get Help".  

Ozzy:  it sounds like something isn't loading on your pages.  I'll keep asking about this (although, unfortunately, it will be Monday).
I closed the tab I was using for the sinking ship and opened a new one. The unrequested reply box is no longer appearing, but I have no confidence that it will not reappear at some point as I have gone through all this before. I think it is linked to the refreshing and reloading, because when you open the browser and log in afresh it does not happen.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Xoch:  What's that you guys say? "I should have used Spec-Savers?"
I also have Safari on my computer, and I just checked:  I have the same version, but I've not got that same issue in the Bar.  The next time it happens to you, can you post here, and I'll go check to see if I'm having the same issue?
Hi could you help me please...... I use a Mac... and have very few problems...except a few tonight But I do have problems if I am trying to post on the move, from my iphone.  Everything loads ok... and reads Ok.... but if I try to post, the reply box comes up, but it won't allow me to write anything...... in fact at times the posting box stays grey......  Any ideas please. Thank you.
How very dare you?! I already told you my prose is perfect! By the way... I love the idea of us having a servlet... it sounds like a baby server... can I have it as a pet... all my own and everyfink?!
Well, then, that little edit button is for OTHER people, innit?

And, YES!  You can name the servlet!  What'll it be?

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