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Daniel, it's possible that the cookie file for livecloud somehow is having problems.  I'd try the following:

  1. Log out of live cloud
  2. Go to a different site like 
  3. In your browser go to Preferences > Privacy > Show Cookies (This path is for firefox, let me know if you need the location for IE or a different browser)
  4. Search for Livecloud
  5. Select all of the results
  6. Press Remove Cookies button
  7. Restart browser
  8. Log in again & test to see if you are still logged in as expected.
Anyone know how to set the clock please? I don't seem to be able to scroll the settings to GMT.?
From Manage - My Settings - the clock is set in the Time Zone box. It should be possible to click on the drop down arrow at the right hand edge of the box to see the various settings and then to click on GMT. Then update settings. If you are not able to do this, it could be a bug, but try refreshing the screen first and retrying to set the time.
El Loro

In MS Internet Explorer you can go to the end of the quote and press the ENTER + down arrow key as previously stated.

I CANNOT get that to work on Firefox (I've not tested on other browsers).

The only way I can get OUTSIDE the quote box in FF is to go to HTML view and enter the line break tag -  <br />

EG in HTML view.....

<div class="small_print">Reference: Someone</div>
<div class="quotedText">Someone's post</div>

<br />

Your reply

They may update the code that handles quoting as it seems to be causing problems...
Baby Bunny
Reference Zaphod:
Does the same in Safari.. I Toggle WYSIWYG.. put in a couple of Enters/Returns.. toggle back and I can then move the cursor down out of the box
Thanks Z - silly me I didn't try the b****ing obvious!!

I've just added this to the posts I made in MrsH's thread:

UPDATE: You don't have to type in <br /> - just press the Return key (in HTML view) a couple of times and start typing.
Baby Bunny
You do what Z?
In case you haven't got that Cinds when you bring up a reply box with the quoted bit... click on the "Toggle WYSIWYG" on the right of the reply box...this will show all the embedded HTML stuff as well as the text.. assuming your cursor is at the end of all that then hit enter a couple of times then press Toggle WYSIWYG again to get back to normal view.. you can now mow the cursor out of the quote box with the down cursor key

hello how do i stop all the emails please
Go into your profile page and tick the 'on vacation' box

Lori, I've noticed a very strange phenomenon that stops me seeing certain threads beyond the point where one particular poster joins them.

Whenever someone called Essie posts, that ends the thread for me and I can't see anyone else's posts that are submitted after that. It's happened several times  before (always when Essie posts) and has now happened again, in Annoca's 'heartbreaking' thread.

What's going on?
Hahaha! I just had a look at that Lori, because I have another irritation now. It looks like a new and complicated area to navigate... and seems that it answers you directly about an issue without being able to see if it is one that others are experiencing first. The beauty of the old area is that you could pick up tips to solve them first and perhaps solve it without having to direct them to the bods at LC... and for less gobby FMs like me that may be less intimidating!  
However, I will try to post my niggle there... somewhere, tomorrow...
Hi Lori! Yeah... guessed it was, but a shame past problems couldn't be incorporated. But now you ask!  Whenever I refresh on in the Bar on the Sinking Ship, I get taken to the top of the page and automatically get a Post Reply box, even if I don't want to but only want to see if anyone has posted a response... you see what I mean? Oh, and also, the blog responses have gone microscopically small, and I think others are seeing that too.  Just drop in the bar now and then... it's like 'Cheers' there these days!
Hi again Lori... and hoping you take a peek again here!
My browser is Safari version 4.0.4... and as regards the small font size in blog replies, I hope this translates the relative size versus the main one... (with apologies to James!)  

There's a fire in the sky!! But it's delightful.

As I walk to the office each morning 
I see some red in the dawning
I get out my camera to take a pic
But there's too many buildings it makes me sick 
No angle no clear view can I get
So I have not been able to catch one yet.
The same thing happens one my way home from work
Somebody up there is having a smirk
For as soon as I get to a clear bit of sky
It's gone all black that redness is shy.
Both Lou and sbevis are playing teasy weasy 
 By making it look so bloody easy peasy .
OK Lori, just tried to demonstrate the magic shrinking font size, but it didn't work... My browser is Safari 4.0.4... When I tried to delete the reply I made, I got this error message, for what it's worth... thanks Steven, I'll make sure to include those in Glitch Reports in future!  

The page you requested is not available. Reference ID: 140893078181080319[95524973][1139625902]TUR-QSHARK1.r8855.b519-livecloud.ps002
Xochiquetzal 3428 Forum PostsToday at 22:48 (Edited: ) OK Lori, just tried to demonstrate the magic shrinking font size, but it didn't work... My browser is Safari 4.0.4... When I tried to delete the reply I made, I got this error message, for what it's worth... thanks Steven, I'll make sure to include those in Glitch Reports in future! The page you requested is not

Xochiquetzal 3428 Forum PostsToday at 22:48 (Edited: ) OK Lori, just tried to demonstrate the magic shrinking font size, but it didn't work... My browser is Safari 4.0.4... When I tried to delete the reply I made, I got this error message, for what it's worth... thanks Steven, I'll make sure to include those in Glitch Reports in future! The page you requested is not available. Reference ID: 140893078181080319[95524973][1139625902]TUR-QSHARK1.r8855.b519-livecloud.ps002
Im getting that message too, xochiquetzal, cant get rid of it and its slowing my pages down.......
Hi ozzy!
I think our problems are different, but maybe we both get the same 'we-don't-know-what-the-hell-is-wrong' error message then!  
But just a suggestion... and you are talking to the biggest techy numptie ever... I think I read somewhere that if you are copying and pasting quotes it may mess/and/or slow things down. From the look of how you are quoting replies, I wonder if that's how you're doing it? If so, try the quicker way to reply to a quote.

1. Before you open a reply box, just highlight straight from the forum the thing you want to quote. Do not go to the copy and paste option on your browser.
2. Now open the post reply box. Give it a sec or two, and you will find the quote you wanted already placed inside the quote area.
3. Just place your cursor and make your own response in the same way you already are. Then submit as normal.

Hope that helps at least!
Hi again!

Lori, the font size in blogs is fixed, ta everso  And the unrequested reply box in LiveCloud issue has gone, ta again!

Now, I would have posted this in the QShark forum... but I can't get to it... It's not showing in the channels in my black bar now...  I also have another minor irritation that I've had since I first arrived and have been living with ever since... I never bothered to post it as a problem at the time as you were all *ahem* rather busy with more urgent matters then!  

James! I think you are confusing my reply box issue with the age-old one of quotes accumulating in replies unless you delete them or refresh the page...
Hi Lori......Nothings changed for me im still getting the same message and my pages are taking ages to change, its so annoying, this has only happened in the last two days everything was fine till then. My cookies have been cleared and ive refreshed several times and its still running slow its only this site all the others are fine.

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