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You know what makes me smile about all these people who are going on about the size of sigs on the old forum, well they had sigs the same as every body else and quite long ones and some that mention them and say they are glad they are no longer there, aren't even used to a forum. I just don't see why we can have a certain amount of characters/space for a icon at the bottom of the posts, we are not quoteastic any more and the pages are longer so a smaller sig would not be so noticeable, but would make a lot of people feel more at home here, maybe a limit on characters could be thought of in the next update - please, I know I'm not alone in saying that I miss my sig.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
If the page doesn't load corectly the reply box doesn't load properly either, sometimes not at all. Just have to wait until it has sorted itself out and try again later.
I find that if I reload the page, everything shows up where it belongs.
FYI, this is a known issue, and we are working on it, although I'm not sure of the status...
How do add 'buddies' and what's a 'wall' in pooter speak? I know I had a post there but it was more luck than judgement I found it! Then, how do I check 'alerts' and what are they for anyway? Aww, God, I need a tech thread of my own.

Also, how do I communicate with people who have me as 'buddies' or send me a message via this wall  thing.
My questions would be: 1. How do I start a new topic in a forum? 2. Can the forum link be at the bottom of a page? It's strange having to go up to the top of a page to return to the forum. 3. I don't have any buddies - doesn't anyone like me? LOL Seriously though, I'd like to know how to do a new topic please. Also, on the sig issue - I quite like not having the sigs (I've never used one anyway). I find they take up a lot of space and sometimes they go on for ages, with different colours and font styles and quotes from films or TV.... etc. The only sigs that didn't bother me were the ones that said "Rex to Win!!" haha
Towno :)
Hi GMA and Towno.

I'll try and answer some of your questions.

GMA - Click on the Gingerbred Man beside someone's name and a little box will come up with information about that person.  It will tell you if you are a buddy or not.  Just click on Add as Buddy and that's it.  It can also be done when you visit someone's page on the far right (I think).
A wall is a place for leaving a message for someone.  It's comes up on their Wall page and is not private like a pm.
You will find Alerts in the Ticker (click on this) at the top of your page. They also come up on your own page in a Yellow Triangle. 
They tell you if you have any buddy requests or PMs.

Communicate with buddies by writing on their walls or by Dialog which is just the same as the PMs we had in the other place.

Hope this helps.
You can always use your browser's BACK button to return. Alternatively you can return to the top of the page by pressing 'HOME@ on your keyboard.
Sorry, but even though I have now got more computer knowledge, it is still easier to have a button to return, I  and many others I imagine, still forget sometimes to use our BACK button and HOME buttons
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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