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Hurrah I can post can anyone help me please last night the front page was showing all the wrong post times,and when I was trying to post the post reply box was not coming up I deleted my cookies and it was okay,I tried to get on here this morning when I did the front page is showing all the wrong times again,when I tried to post it told me I had to sign in when I did the cogs were turning forever I gave up,do we have to sign in every time we come on here,it used to have a box we could tick saying remember me it is not there now,also I clicked on ticker and it is telling me I have to sign in again I have an apple mac and use safari is anyone else having the same problems  thank you
Hi marge, as Lori says you have to be signed in to do various things, like post and view your ticker. I cannot say what originally logged you out, but certainly clearing all your cookies would have done that anyway and you will have to sign in again after clearing them.
As for the time display....when you are not signed in the time-display defaults to Seattle time and it is only when you are signed in that your own time zone displays.

Not being able to get a reply box up or posting is to do with the page not loading properly,even though it may look OK. This is a long running problem and all we can do in the short term is refresh the page and try again (and hope that someone eventually manages to figure out what's causing it and what to do to sort it! )
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Marge, I have the 'remember me' box ticked. If I just close my window and computer then I will still be signed on when I nevt access the site. If I 'Sign-out' then I will have to 'Sign-in' next time I access the site, but the e-mail address and password boxes are already filled in, so all I need to do is click the 'SIGN IN' button.It would only be if I deselected the 'remember me' box, or cleared my cookies, that I would expect to have to TYPE IN the information myself. Are you having to type in your e-mail and password, or are they already there and you just click 'SIGN IN'?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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