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The problem with editing is still with us though....endlessly whirring cogs, but if you refresh you'll see your edit has actually posted.

I'm also still getting the problem with thpage not loading and therefore no working reply box until I refresh the page and get it to load fully.

Xochi, I'll go and see what I can find out. I'mm just in from work and haven't explored much yet.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I'm also still getting the problem with thpage not loading and therefore no working reply box until I refresh the page and get it to load fully.
I'm still getting that too Fluffs... I reckon it's a bit of a 'niche' problem at the moment though!  

Hope you don't get too lost... you may find you get around by the scenic route at first!
Xochi, I think the difference between New Topic and Quick New Topic is the Quick New Topic misses out the various formatting, images, graemlins and other icons, which is fine if you just want to create a plain text topic. Don't ask me why this new option is available for New Topics but not for Post Reply because I don't know.

If you decide you do want to use the icons then you can then click Continue Using Detailed Posting Form which will take you to the normal New Topics form but we are lead to believe retains the text that you have created to dateon the Quick New Topics form.
El Loro
No trouble getting there and back, then went into one of the forums to get a look at what these two options gave me.

It's pretty much as El Loro says:-

QUICK NEW TOPIC opens a box that looks pretty much like a reply box, but it has a Small box for you to give your topic a title and not much else. This topic will be posted in the forum you are in when you pressed the 'QUICK NEW TOPIC' button.

NEW TOPIC however has a lot more options, you can post the topic to another forum you can add pics, tags, attachments, make it into a polletc.,

The QUICK option does have a button you can press that it opens it up into the expanded form without you having to re-enter all the info.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I've made a reply to a query raised by OneTwo on a different thread which may be of general interest to others as follows:

Is there a way to get back to the front page of the Lounge from the fred I'm in without scrolling up please does anyone know. I used to do that before didn't I ?

The simplest way is as follows. Go to the front page of the Lounge (or whichever page you want). Then from your browser (not Livecloud) menu select Bookmarks (I'm using Firefox) and then Bookmark This Page. If you are using IE, the equivalent is Favorites - Add to Favorites.

So in future, when you want to go straight to the Lounge, select it from the Bookmarks menu. Note that you need to be logged onto Livecloud first if you want to see the correct time settings and be able to make postings. I personally don't bother to log off when quitting Livecloud so I don't need to log on.

I have created a new topic in the Tips and Tricks forum where I have repeated this so that it doesn't get lost.
El Loro
Reference: Xochi
Has anyone worked out how to send a buddy request?

Reference: Baz
Xoch.... only thing I have seen is a *Befriend* button on the top right hand side of FM's sites.... Haven't plucked up courage to press it... but that may be it.....

Reference: Xochi
I did! Good sleuthing Baz!
If you click on their gingerbread man you will get an option to add (or delete) that person as a buddy.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Is there a chance we could have the Edit function fixed so as to not have to wait until we think it's gone through and then click Refresh?

Looks like it's suddenly working properly now. Woohoo!

I guess that's what they were up to when it chucked me off and locked me out.

Then again, maybe not totally, 'cos it didn't work here, but the edit worked properly in the Bar of the Sinking Ship.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Hi again stoory!  

I presume you know how to get the latest drop down menu (hover your cursor over the LiveCloud logo at the very top left of the page). The 'Explore' menu is under the 'My Site' option. That opens another menu so you can move between channels, find blogs etc... the search option is at the bottom of that! Easy when you know how!

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