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Fluffy how do you do that?

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Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I have a few tips!

Olympic athletes. Disguise the fact that you've taken anabolic steroids by running a bit slower. - B. Johnson, Canada

Sweetcorn fans. Save money on loo paper by simply pouring the stuff straight down the pan.

Pretend you`re a giant panda by giving yourself two black eyes, eating only bamboo shoots and refusing to have sex with the missus.

Soozy i can see where you are coming from. Most FM's haven't got a " home" where they can return to after exploring this place. I have Darnell Towers to go to after an exploration, lot's of folk have not been here, coz they think we are a "clique". Far from it-- It's a place where we can chat and meet, and go on explorations from there and know we have somewhere to come back to. You are welcome to come and chat with us,and anyone else for that matter. Just say hi and be welcomed. Lot's have done lately and have been surprised at the friendship on there. Think this is the prob with some FM's-- No permanent home. All are welcome at the towers, please give us a try. report · permalink

I'm coming over ......look ot for me. I know it's a bit sad and all that but I'm really feeling a distinct lack of community on here .....never felt the need to align with a 'group' before now but maybe the time is right. Thanks for the invite.
Soozy Woo

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