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How do add 'buddies' and what's a 'wall' in pooter speak? I know I had a post there but it was more luck than judgement I found it! Then, how do I check 'alerts' and what are they for anyway? Aww, God, I need a tech thread of my own.

Also, how do I communicate with people who have me as 'buddies' or send me a message via this wall  thing.
My questions would be: 1. How do I start a new topic in a forum? 2. Can the forum link be at the bottom of a page? It's strange having to go up to the top of a page to return to the forum. 3. I don't have any buddies - doesn't anyone like me? LOL Seriously though, I'd like to know how to do a new topic please. Also, on the sig issue - I quite like not having the sigs (I've never used one anyway). I find they take up a lot of space and sometimes they go on for ages, with different colours and font styles and quotes from films or TV.... etc. The only sigs that didn't bother me were the ones that said "Rex to Win!!" haha
Towno :)
Hi GMA and Towno.

I'll try and answer some of your questions.

GMA - Click on the Gingerbred Man beside someone's name and a little box will come up with information about that person.  It will tell you if you are a buddy or not.  Just click on Add as Buddy and that's it.  It can also be done when you visit someone's page on the far right (I think).
A wall is a place for leaving a message for someone.  It's comes up on their Wall page and is not private like a pm.
You will find Alerts in the Ticker (click on this) at the top of your page. They also come up on your own page in a Yellow Triangle. 
They tell you if you have any buddy requests or PMs.

Communicate with buddies by writing on their walls or by Dialog which is just the same as the PMs we had in the other place.

Hope this helps.
You can always use your browser's BACK button to return. Alternatively you can return to the top of the page by pressing 'HOME@ on your keyboard.
Sorry, but even though I have now got more computer knowledge, it is still easier to have a button to return, I  and many others I imagine, still forget sometimes to use our BACK button and HOME buttons
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I think I may have found a clue regarding the blank page issue for members using Internet Explorer and have reported that in Support

I think it may be to do with where a member has accidentally included apparent HTML text by making a mistake in how they have tried to for instance format some text. This looks as if the IE interpreter throws a wobbly in trying to interpret the apparent HTML text and stops, Whereas another browser such as Firefox will merely print the apparent HTML text rather than trying to interpret it.

Or I may be completley wrong but it's worth looking into.
El Loro
(I've added this to the Support post referenced by El Loro as well)

Yup that's pretty much the case.  This is something we're working on. The issue is that IE does not play well with posts that contain text that has been cut and pasted from a Word doc. 

The word doc contains all kinds of hidden characters that set things like font color, and styling, etc.  When the post is published, all that hidden information confuses IE, while Firefox just ignores it.

So, essentially 1) It's best to use the buttons in the post editor rather than styling text in word then pasting it.  2) Use firefox 
Reference: James
I cannot see the point of having a members list that you cannot control..
Hello James.
I'm not sure what you want to do with the members list, but I have found that if you click on the column headings (ID, Points, Display Name) you can get the details of that column in a different order - alphabetical for example, or reverse alphabetical.
Hope this helps. Or more likely I have misunderstood.
Hope this helps. Or more likely I have misunderstood
Thanks  Yeah I noticed those options. I was thinking a members list would be better in purely a list form, that is one without Avi's 

But you raised the question..  I'm not sure what you want to do with the members list" Thats the point what is the point of the members list. Specially one so large, unless you had some kind of A-Z function on it.

Just a thought.
Nah! I just sussed it! Chaos theory, ain't it! I blame IE! 

"The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does. (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141) "

You will thank me for this in the future!
Oh I need to test those smiley links to see if I can use them.

Ok, small problem but in some Reply boxes - obviously not this one lol - I can't start a new paragraph. No matter how many times I press the Returen key it won't allow me to, therefore some text is all lumped together, anyone else have this prob.

Gonna test the smileys now, be patient with me lol.
Yellow Rose
Ok, small problem but in some Reply boxes - obviously not this one lol - I can't start a new paragraph. No matter how many times I press the Returen key it won't allow me to, therefore some text is all lumped together, anyone else have this prob.
I think you'll find that that only happens when the page (and therefore the box) hasn't loaded properly. Refresh the page and open the reply box again.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Ok, small problem but in some Reply boxes - obviously not this one lol - I can't start a new paragraph. No matter how many times I press the Returen key it won't allow me to, therefore some text is all lumped together, anyone else have this prob.

 I think you'll find that that only happens when the page (and therefore the box) hasn't loaded properly. Refresh the page and open the reply box again.

Thank you, I'll try that next time
Yellow Rose
Have realised something else the last few nights.. When someone replies and we're quoting their reply we have to make a space between our message and the reply, I'm learning lol

Not sure I get what you mean, but if it works comfortably, then carry on doing it

I didn't explain it very well did I lol. Actually your reply is an example of what's happening. On the screen mine and your comments are separated, but in my Reply box they come up as being all one post, so I now have to separate the two by creating a paragraph between them. Does this make more sense lol, it's no big problem I just have to be more alert when replying. Thanks for all the helpful advice you share with us btw

Yellow Rose
Reference: Yellow Rose
 Have realised something else the last few nights.. When someone replies and we're quoting their reply we have to make a space between our message and the reply, I'm learning lol
Yellow Rose

The quote you have highlightes should appear in a box with a fine dotted line around it.

You have to ensure you start your reply underneath that box and not inside it.You may need to scroll down slightly to do it.
Have realised something else the last few nights.. When someone replies and we're quoting their reply we have to make a space between our message and the reply, I'm learning lol

I didn't explain it very well did I lol. Actually your reply is an example of what's happening. On the screen mine and your comments are separated, but in my Reply box they come up as being all one post, so I now have to separate the two by creating a paragraph between them. Does this make more sense lol,
Yes, this makes sense. When you highlight a couple of quotes, they do get merged into one and you have then separate them, but there is a way around this which others have spotted. What you do is to highlight your first quote, then click Post Reply. Then I make sure that the cursor (the flashing little line) is positioned in a blank space below the box containing the first quote. Then I click Cancel. Then highlight the second quote. Note this can be a bit tricky as you may find that some other text may get highlighted including the first quote which you don't want but it can be done. Also note this will only work where the second quote is on the same page as if you change pages, the comment you have created so far is lost. Then click Post Reply and there is the second quote in it's own box, just like the above.
El Loro

Hi Brisket, thanks for reply  I've decided not use quotes for replying atm as it's still confusing lol. Yes I get what you said about replying under the fine line which hasn't been a problem, it's just the quoting and separating someone's reply I'm having problems with. Also still having problems with creating a new paragraph, I followed the advice earlier about refreshing the page and Reply Box but sometimes have to do it a few times before it works, more patience is needed I guess lol.

Yellow Rose

El Loro, thanks also for your reply  I didn't use to have this quoting problem but maybe it's been happening since the changeover, but at least I'm not the only one then?

I'll copy out your advice as at first read it seems a bit complicated - that'll be my brain cells being a bit slow at the moment lol  - so I need to digest it then will try it out. You're all so helpful, thanks muchly

Yellow Rose
Reference: El Loro
It is because of the changeover and it affects everyone.

Reference: Fluffy
Strange! It's always seemed to be that way for me.

A little cutting and pasting and editing allows you to do the multiple quotes all in one go, without multiple openings, closings and highlightings of text and reply boxes.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
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