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There, there....*pats on head*...tell me your troubles, and I'll see if I can help.
  I've got no job, no boyfriend... Oh! You didn't mean that type of trouble, did you?  
Well, like I've already said...
1. can't access QShark unless you post links now
2. after I first sign in, whenever I first load any part of Gaga or LC and when I do request a reply box, the first one I open never accepts any text. I always have to cancel it and then request another that I can then post in... very minor, I know!  

Oh, and before you ask... again , Mac OS X 10.4.11, Safari 4.0.4...

Sorry, but I think we're in a bit of a mess.
No access to the support forms, pages still frequently not loading properly and having to be refreshed immediately to get a working reply box. Unrequested reply boxes appearing everytime a page is changed or refreshed. When submitted it is a lottery as to whether they will go through. The cogs whir for ages, then sometimes the message appears and sometimes you get an error message. It might say the message can't be sent because of an unknown error, other times the server cannot be found.

All these problems are not happening all the time ,but are cropping up frequently but irregularly.

There are periods where everything seems to be working perfectly, but the errors always creep back.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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