Former Member
Does anyone else have to keep signing in at the moment even though the Remember Me checkbox is clicked? It's been happening for a couple of days now.
Hi, Daniel: That's not happening to me. Are you using Firefox?
What kind of link are you using to get to the site? You may have to renew it.
What kind of link are you using to get to the site? You may have to renew it.
Former Member
Daniel, it's possible that the cookie file for livecloud somehow is having problems. I'd try the following:
- Log out of live cloud
- Go to a different site like
- In your browser go to Preferences > Privacy > Show Cookies (This path is for firefox, let me know if you need the location for IE or a different browser)
- Search for Livecloud
- Select all of the results
- Press Remove Cookies button
- Restart browser
- Log in again & test to see if you are still logged in as expected.
I am still having problems with the page squashing up 2 inches of forum and the rest the LC advert on the right it happens at least once a day 

Former Member
Daniel, it's possible that the cookie file for livecloud somehow is having problems
Hi, I'm on IE8 and it's not cookies as that was the first thing I did to solve it. It's the URL I put in favourites, I think. I've not had the problem since I overwrote it ... for the second time.Cheers.
Former Member
I've still not solved the WYSIWYG thing in the reply box though. In that mode, CRLFs don't. If I type the sentence then go back and add CRLF then I get a newline. If I add another CRLF I get a new paragraph. It's all a bit odd.
What do you mean?
At the moment I get a new line/paragraph when I do a carriage return in both modes.
However, if the page hasn't loaded properly then the reply box won't function correctly either. Refresh the page and try the reply box again,
At the moment I get a new line/paragraph when I do a carriage return in both modes.
However, if the page hasn't loaded properly then the reply box won't function correctly either. Refresh the page and try the reply box again,

Testing time
Testing time
In more ways than one Marg, in more ways than one! 
Reference: Fluffy
in more ways than one!

Anyone know how to set the clock please? I don't seem to be able to scroll the settings to GMT.?

Oh yes! Why do I get an error message whenever I want to tick 'Watch Forum'?
Anyone know how to set the clock please? I don't seem to be able to scroll the settings to GMT.?
From Manage - My Settings - the clock is set in the Time Zone box. It should be possible to click on the drop down arrow at the right hand edge of the box to see the various settings and then to click on GMT. Then update settings. If you are not able to do this, it could be a bug, but try refreshing the screen first and retrying to set the time.
Thanks Loro...... the box is refusing to scroll....I thought I was doing in right, but it won't go up far enough for GMT...I've been refreshing like mad and it just doesn't want to do it at the moment

Kaytee, I suggest you report this in the Livecloud forum section as this should be working - at the same time let them know what operating system and browser you use as they will need this info.
Thanks Loro....will do

Please can they sort out the right side of the page I have 3 inches of forum and the rest of the page is taken up by LCAdvert and other stuff that could go to the top and bottom of the page, this for me is the biggest put off on this forum and dosent have to be.. does it, I am sure there is a way around it
Thank You 

Marguerita: What are you using for a browser? (And what version?) That's not happening for me, so if we can figure out how to duplicate your experience, maybe we can figure something out. Also, what's your monitor size, and is your print set relatively large, or small, or what?
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