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Daniel, it's possible that the cookie file for livecloud somehow is having problems.  I'd try the following:

  1. Log out of live cloud
  2. Go to a different site like 
  3. In your browser go to Preferences > Privacy > Show Cookies (This path is for firefox, let me know if you need the location for IE or a different browser)
  4. Search for Livecloud
  5. Select all of the results
  6. Press Remove Cookies button
  7. Restart browser
  8. Log in again & test to see if you are still logged in as expected.
Anyone know how to set the clock please? I don't seem to be able to scroll the settings to GMT.?
From Manage - My Settings - the clock is set in the Time Zone box. It should be possible to click on the drop down arrow at the right hand edge of the box to see the various settings and then to click on GMT. Then update settings. If you are not able to do this, it could be a bug, but try refreshing the screen first and retrying to set the time.
El Loro

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