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My real question though there any real point to an ipad?

Is it just a big iphone? I can see the point of an iphone....but a big clunky one? If you want something portable that can sit on your knee, surely a normal laptop is better? I can understand the attraction of a touch screen but there doesn't seem to be any way to prop up the ipad to a practical angle?

Except using a cushion like dear old Virginia.
Has your son let you have a go with his yet? (without the screen guard? ) I have to admit... I'd love to have a play on one
No, cos I haven't seen him  since he got it He really likes it,  but he does say that it is not easy to hold in one hand, when reading books, newspapers etc on it... Mind you, he was bought a Kindle for Xmas, which I think is smaller,  so.........

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