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For today's Task, five housemates must volunteer to become caterpillars in order to win tokens and a hamper of luxury goods for the group to share. The remaining Housemates must become helpers, and dress as garden gnomes and fairies.

The caterpillar housemates must each dress in the green catsuits provided. Big Brother will provide helpers with a roll of clingfilm each. Out in the garden will be a flower bed, and five giant leaves.

The caterpillars much each take position on a leaf, and must stand with their legs together and their hands by their sides. Helpers must then wrap housemates in the clingfilm from shoulders to ankles. They must use an entire roll of cling film on each caterpillar. Housemates must wrap each caterpillar as tightly as possible or all Housemates will fail the task and receive nothing.

Once all housemates are fully wrapped in clingfilm, the helpers must assist them in each lying on one of the leaves in the garden. Upon Big Brother's command, the five caterpillars must then all try to stand up. They will have two minutes to succeed.

Any housemates, who successfully manage to stand will receive one token and if all five housemates participate to Big Brothers satisfaction they will win one additional token for the group. If all Housemates participate in the Task housemates will also receive a hamper full of luxury food and drink.

"Can I be a caterpillar?" asked Charlie as Hira read out the instructions to the group.
"I'll be a helper," said Lisa.
"Me too," said Hira.

Charlie, Rodrigo, Siavash, Dogface and David are going to rolling around in foodwrap, while Halfwit, Bea, Lisa, Marcus and Hira will be showing off their wrapping skills.

Sounds fun Big Grin Wink.

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