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To quote: Highlight the piece you wish to quote (by holding down the mouse button and scrolling over it.) Then click on the "post reply" box (there's one at the top of the page and one at the bottom.) When the reply box comes up the piece you highlighted will appear in the quote box. When you write a response make sure your sursor is outside/underneath the quote box. Try it. If I've not made it clear please ask again.
Yep. I think it was right if you put my search words in. It came up on the first page of the google search on my browser (Safari btw). This was my search question... it takes you via Baby Bunny to here if you click the links... promise!   where have channel4 forum members gone? edit to correct Big Bunny to Baby Bunny.
Are you Baby Bunny?  Never in 1,000,000 years would I have guessed that. (if you are/were)
I'm not really up on that but order to get on here every single day I go to Google and type in 'Live Cloud Ga Ga Joy Joy big brother' is that the sort of thing we need to be doing?
Yes, that's it. The more it's done the more Google will associate GaGa and LC with BB and so a search for bb. will bring up a link with LC etc. and gradually the LC option will get higher and higher in the listings.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Are you Baby Bunny?  Never in 1,000,000 years would I have guessed that. (if you are/were)
Erm... no Cinds! I was just referring to a post further up in the thread about someone who found a thread by Baby Bunny in google. I tried a search to test out to see what google would throw out and found her link! 

Welcome back by the way! 
I'm not really up on that but order to get on here every single day I go to Google and type in 'Live Cloud Ga Ga Joy Joy big brother' is that the sort of thing we need to be doing?

Yes, that's it. The more it's done the more Google will associate GaGa and LC with BB and so a search for bb. will bring up a link with LC etc. and gradually the LC option will get higher and higher in the listings.
In that case I'll do it several times a day.
Soozy Woo
in order to get on here every single day I go to Google and type in 'Live Cloud Ga Ga Joy Joy big brother' is that the sort of thing we need to be doing? Yes, that's it. The more it's done the more Google will associate GaGa and LC with BB and so a search for bb. will bring up a link with LC etc. and gradually the LC option will get higher and higher in the listings.
Ah! OK... I'll do the same as Soozy then!
Erm... no Cinds! I was just referring to a post further up in the thread about someone who found a thread by Baby Bunny in google. I tried a search to test out to see what google would throw out and found her link!  Welcome back by the way!
 hahahah I'm useless.  Thanks for the welcome back.  I feel like I should bring the drinks trolley out, but I need my bed.  I might just restock it for launch night 
It's lovely to have old FM's returning and new members too.

Welcome everyone.
 Just a thought .......................even if we have suspicions about new members justified or not - could we not have a sort of truce or amnesty? This place can be very quiet at times - it's just nice to have more FM's getting involved.

Surely the answer to the problem is ...........if you really can't get along with someone either currently or due to past history - simply avoid/or post round them. Not always easy I know but I'm sure everyone wants BB11 to be a great success and I'm sure they'll be rows aplenty when it's up and running.
Soozy Woo
I agree Suzy. The more the merrier I say.   It's lovely to see some of the old names back.

As for "new members"...if you're going to come back with a new name, no one would care as long as you just tried to blend in naturally, but it's a bit hard to stomach when people who've been using this place for over a year, come back with a new name and then act dumb and start asking you how to quote.

And then to make it worse, when they're confronted they try and make that person out to be a liar even though they have already PM'd people to tell them who they are.

This kind of stuff makes people crabby and then even genuine new people are given a hard time. I think that's a real shame.

I think it's even more important now we're a smaller, cosier, and tbh... more friendly forum, that people realise the impact of alternate ID's. Do it if you wish.... but for gawds sake be subtle!!

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