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Channel 4 Big BrotherForum Members have Moved!

C4BBGF was areal Communitymade up of a completely diverse group of FMs chatting, arguing, givingsupport, flirting, insulting  pondering the meaning of lifeandwhat to have for dinner.  This site has 2 purposes. To actas a beacon for those FMs who may be lost, and to preserve a little bitof the history of a living community that has meant a lot to many.

Channel 4 have closed their Big Brother Forum (readthe statement) - but there is good newsfor C4 BB members and lurkers.  The forum may be gonebut the community lives on in a new place. 

The Good News is......Our new forum home feels just like our old one ..... only better.  Find all theC4 BB Forum members you know and love at GaGaJoyJoy.

It'srun by EveCommunities and the setup is very similar to what we're used to soit's been easy to settle in.  GaGa JoyJoy is a new venture andit's going to be big.   Eve took pity on our plight and openedtheir doors to us when we knew we'd be made homeless after Bovrilkingemailed them.  Even so far as to give us space on their TechSupport forum until they could create a space for us on the site theyare still in progress of developing. 

There's this by Baby Bunny, but it's on the third page or so of a Google search.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
My understanding of how these entries are listed is based on the number of searches. It's sort of a backwards thing. If we all search for GaGa and or Live Cloud and include associated words then it could increase the number of percieved searches and thus bump it up the rankings, but I'm not sure how long it would take to get it onto the first page.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Hey Yogi, first time I have popped in for ages and it's changed so much, I feel so lost. Has the PM facility gone? I was trying to send Suzi bean a message to let her know where she could find Gyps & Trollop.
Hi Cinds, If you click on the gingerbreadman after an FMs name you'll get an option to start a dialog(PM) with them.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
A new guy (CeeJay) found us late last night. (At least I think he's new)

He's not Brisket, and it wouldn't normally bother me.............all this " I hope I'm doing this right"....."how do you quote on here"     If you're going to come back as someone else at least try to be subtle about's bloody insulting to peoples intelligence.

Not to mention nice people trying to help them out....When it's not needed   

Why not just wait until BB gets underway, and slip in unobtrusively?    Oh no.....

Head straight for the thread that identifies you, and put yourself in the spotlight.

I've no idea why I feel the need to say all this.............Normally I would just put up, and shut up...............I'm pissed off that he's conning people, and no  it's not the usual suspect.
Yep. I think it was right if you put my search words in. It came up on the first page of the google search on my browser (Safari btw).

This was my search question... it takes you via Baby Bunny to here if you click the links... promise!  

where have channel4 forum members gone?

edit to correct Big Bunny to Baby Bunny.
Last edited by Xochi
You've missed it all DS ... so much so, I can't even remember the name of the winner


no i know you is lying to me cos it would have been on news at ten 

God! i forgot how horrible this site is to use, think i'll need a few days to re-orient

can someone remind me...are we allowed to say b*******, s***, f***  and c*** ?
I was meaning if WE do it associating BB and GaGa and LC then that should help promot us up the ranks of a BB search, if you follow.
I'm not really up on that but order to get on here every single day I go to Google and type in 'Live Cloud Ga Ga Joy Joy big brother' is that the sort of thing we need to be doing?
Soozy Woo
To quote:
Highlight the piece you wish to quote (by holding down the mouse button and scrolling over it.)
Then click on the "post reply" box (there's one at the top of the page and one at the bottom.)
When the reply box comes up the piece you highlighted will appear in the quote box.
When you write a response make sure your sursor is outside/underneath the quote box.
Try it. If I've not made it clear please ask again. 
Hello Newbies, returnees and everyone
CeeJay and Emmarella - to quote on this forum you simply have to highlight the post you want to quote and when you open up a reply box then the highlighted text appears in a little box.
You have to manually write the name of the person you are quoting though I think unless anyone knows a better way

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