Ok.....I can post , and more importantly , I found the edit button !! Phew !! So, it will do
Moonie posted:From what I have seen so far which isn't much much. I am not like the new look
Hang in there Moonie ....you will get used to it soon
What is the Follow this Forum button please ....or rather , what happens if I click it
My eyes are going a bit as I get older and I have to enlarge pages to read them. This suits me down to the ground No more squinting!
Checks to see if I'm still here my smillies are back
Roger the Alien posted:My eyes are going a bit as I get older and I have to enlarge pages to read them. This suits me down to the ground
No more squinting!
Ditto Rosie
See you later in the Jungle
Baz posted:Roger the Alien posted:My eyes are going a bit as I get older and I have to enlarge pages to read them. This suits me down to the ground
No more squinting!
Ditto Rosie
See you later in the Jungle
See ya later Baz!
Baz posted:What is the Follow this Forum button please ....or rather , what happens if I click it
You will get an email notification for every single reply made on the Big Brother forum if you clicked it on the Big Brother list of threads. It's the same as it was on the old forum, just positioned in a different place.
velvet donkey posted:Moonie posted:Laptop layout is different from the iPad or mobile
What do you think on the lappy Moons?
I like the lappy version best but use the iPad most Velvet
What about you?
Not sure about the layout either and I'm using a kindle, how do I quote?
Aimee posted:Not sure about the layout either and I'm using a kindle, how do I quote?
Oh I've found it
You guys! We're here!
hugs all around!
We've got lots and lots of support tickets this morning, so I will only pop in if there's something the mods can't handle, but wanted to say
Are we getting something that will alert us to PM's and a last reply in the PM's? Or are we just going to have to keep checking...thanks in advance and I hop speal chek is sarted owt soon
Dame, it does seem that the alerts to new replies on PMs has gone though we should still get an email provided your notifications have been set for this. Also the latest reply link on a PM seems to have gone as well.
El Loro posted:Dame, it does seem that the alerts to new replies on PMs has gone though we should still get an email provided your notifications have been set for this. Also the latest reply link on a PM seems to have gone as well.
Oh heck I don't have my email notifications on, I get enough emails as it is. Really disappointed that both of these had gone in the change over, thanks El Loro
Dame_Ann_Average posted:El Loro posted:Dame, it does seem that the alerts to new replies on PMs has gone though we should still get an email provided your notifications have been set for this. Also the latest reply link on a PM seems to have gone as well.
Oh heck
I don't have my email notifications on, I get enough emails as it is. Really disappointed that both of these had gone in the change over, thanks El Loro
Too soon to panic, Dame. could just be bug! Hang in there!
Dame, it would be worth setting the notifcation for private messages on so that you get alerted.
https://www.gagajoyjoy.com/member-cp/settings Tick the very last item to get alerts.
https://www.gagajoyjoy.com/member-cp/notifications Tick the entry under Private Messages to get an email message