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Hi, all: Just wanted you to know that I tested all the browsers and submitted a bug on the gif-that-isn't-a-gif-in-chrome today. Sorry it took me so long--the testing takes time, which is at a premium at the moment. 

Just so you know, it works in all browsers except Chrome, so you can use any other browser (Firefox, for instance, which I like better than IE, and it's my alternate testing browser). 

Sprout posted:

Hi Lori. I'm not having as many problems. Just the posting images (not doable in here. I have to go to IE) and the double spacing for me which makes it awful when we quote posts as we feel we need to because you lose the conversation. 

I've just tried to post an image....Google images (robin redbreast) and right click and copied it. I right clicked and pasted it into this reply box and hit post reply. I get a quick look at the image then it disappears and I get the message.....You are not allowed to upload files.  Windows 8.1 and Chrome on a laptop, but I know others are on Windows 7 

Sprout, is this happening for ALL images, or just gifs?


Hiya x.......I'm unable to post smileys on the latest version of IOS on my iPad.....The box just collapses when I click on it and if it does manage to stay up I press the required smiley and nothing happens. This may be just me, because Baz was able to post them last night, but just thought I'd mention it (laptop is ok)

El Loro posted:

Dame, that must be caused by you being a VIP as otherwise it couldn't get attached. Chrome, being cloud based, must be treating the picture you copied as if it was stored on your device. Rather than pasting the picture direct in the Add Reply box, are you able to use the insert/edit image icon and paste the image address in the Source box in Chrome? If you are able to then that might get an animated picture rather than a still.

It happened to me as well, but I just thought things had changed and you had to be a VIP to post pictures

Kaytee posted:

Hiya x.......I'm unable to post smileys on the latest version of IOS on my iPad.....The box just collapses when I click on it and if it does manage to stay up I press the required smiley and nothing happens. This may be just me, because Baz was able to post them last night, but just thought I'd mention it (laptop is ok)

Testing from my iPad  works for me.

are you using safari, Kaytee?

Kaytee posted:
El Loro posted:

Dame, that must be caused by you being a VIP as otherwise it couldn't get attached. Chrome, being cloud based, must be treating the picture you copied as if it was stored on your device. Rather than pasting the picture direct in the Add Reply box, are you able to use the insert/edit image icon and paste the image address in the Source box in Chrome? If you are able to then that might get an animated picture rather than a still.

It happened to me as well, but I just thought things had changed and you had to be a VIP to post pictures

Kaytee, Chrome is the only browser that is a problem, as near as I can tell. If you use Firefox or IE or Safari, you should be ok.


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