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Rexi posted:

Ohhh, got all excited there. Saw there was new replies and thought there might be an answer to the First Unread Post conundrum

Whilst this issue is being sorted out I have a temporary solution. When you see the blue bell by a PM signifying a new unread reply before clicking on the blue bell right click on it and copy the link (the wording varies by browser - copy link location in Firefox, create shortcut in IE I think). Then create a bookmark/favourite with that link in your browser. Alternatively create a shortcut on the screen (I'm using a computer) with that link. This works for me.

Since I posted this, Brian Lenz from Social Strata has posted to say that a fix for this issue should be released by the end of this week

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

I take it the backroom boys and gals are working on all aspects of this, not just the PMs/Dialogs?

refreshing takes you back to a post PRIOR to the last one you read.
After posting a comment, the 'back' button takes you to the bottom of the page you were on when you compiled your post, or the top for some, or sometimes somewhere in the middle-ish!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

I take it the backroom boys and gals are working on all aspects of this, not just the PMs/Dialogs?

refreshing takes you back to a post PRIOR to the last one you read.
After posting a comment, the 'back' button takes you to the bottom of the page you were on when you compiled your post, or the top for some, or sometimes somewhere in the middle-ish!

Possibly the refreshing has been sorted.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
El Loro posted:

Cosmo, looking at this post I see what you mean and it's like that on my computer screen.

Haha!  Yes, that one's mental but to be fair by then we were all just larking about in the thread.  I wasn't referring to anything specific - just a general observation really (it does it on my lappy too btw) and is something I had noticed on quite a few occasions.  Perhaps it's just me and my lack of patience?   I do find it irritating.    The multi quote has taken the mantle of the simplest and quickest form of replying.  It feels like we're being held hostage to it...which is unfair on us (especially the HL thread FM's â™Ĩ - we LIKE replying to each other); I'm not anti multi quoting - I'm anti one letter per line in a quote

Thanks for responding El Loro.  I appreciate you taking the time especially as this issue is not down to you.  


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