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A new doll has been released designed to teach girls how to breastfeed.


The makers say 'little girls need to learn to breastfeed. The Breast Milk Baby represents a revolution in design by teaching children the nurturing skills they'll need to raise their own healthy babies."


What say's a good idea, especially for parents who would like to discourage bottlefeeding....or is it too much reality for little girls?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

Why not sell them dolls that show them the best ways to have sex and conceive?...if the want them to know the realities of having children.


There are some real idiots out there.

I'm not sure that that needs any encouragement.

Has it gone out of fashion? 


Anyway, mine all used Barbie and Ken, or Action Man, for that one. 


oooh the link doesn't come up when I click it in here, but it does elsewhere...hang on I'll copy and paste...oh wait...are we allowed copy and paste stuff from other sites?  There's not the old C4 rule about copyright is there?...maybe I'll just copy and paste the part where it explains what it does...brb


'A new doll product has been released to the toy market which is designed to simulate breastfeeding. The Breast Milk Baby is a doll which has a mouth which replicates that of a breast feeding baby. The toy also comes with a bib which has flowers on it to indicate the nipple area, so the youngster using the doll can simulate breastfeeding against it. When held to the breast the doll makes suckling noises. It also cries if it isn't burped after it has been fed. '

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

Why not sell them dolls that show them the best ways to have sex and conceive?...if the want them to know the realities of having children.


There are some real idiots out there.

that was my initial reaction...well not quite that vivid ...but I thought it was a bit much, till some one else said about the dolls that come with the bottles.  What if the parents are really pro breastfeeding and think giving the dolls these fake bottles is a bad starting point?  Should there be a breastfeeding alternative?


It seems a bit 'toys gone mad'.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Aww, it sounds cute. Does it do actual burps, cos I might get one for myself, if it does!

  maybe they missed their target market...maybe it should be aimed for broody women, not little girls


Little girls don't "need to learn to breastfeed", what planet are these doll-makers on??

Little girls "need" to be left to get on with being little girls and not encouraged to grow up into marketing men's stereotypes way before their time.

I didn't especially like dolls when I was little. I preferred drawing and collecting bugs

I'm a child-free adult who has never felt maternal. Maybe I "needed" steering in the direction of a breast-sucking lump of plastic, if I was going to grow up "right"?

Originally Posted by Demantoid:

Little girls don't "need to learn to breastfeed", what planet are these doll-makers on??

Little girls "need" to be left to get on with being little girls and not encouraged to grow up into marketing men's stereotypes way before their time.

I didn't especially like dolls when I was little. I preferred drawing and collecting bugs

I'm a child-free adult who has never felt maternal. Maybe I "needed" steering in the direction of a breast-sucking lump of plastic, if I was going to grow up "right"?

I was the same, Toid, but then I got broody and ended up having four kids. 


If kids do like dolls, I don't see a problem with manufacturers making ones that like breast milk, instead of bottles.

The number of people I encountered who thought breast feeding was disgusting, was really surprising, to me.

I'd grown up seeing my mum do it, and others, and thought of it as normal. Why not encourage that?


I'm seeing your point Blizz.  If they're going to have a bottle fed one, why not have a breastfed.  But I think it's all the pooping/feeding/puking realistic baby doll market gone mad. Why does there after be so much realism with dolls.  Can't they use their imagination, like I had to with my koala bear

Originally Posted by brisket:

It makes you wonder how we ever learned life skills before these people came along with their artificial aids.


I think it would be nice if they had a childhood first.


Originally Posted by brisket:

It makes you wonder how we ever learned life skills before these people came along with their artificial aids.


I think it would be nice if they had a childhood first.

Funnily enough, at the moment, I am inputting millions (it feels like) of different toys, into a toy website database.


These include things such as; mini tool boxes, mini vehicles and mini household appliances, as well as mini musical instruments, things that kids can bounce on, walkers and toys that teach kids to count and speak, through play.


I guess, like me, most kids used to learn breastfeeding from seeing their mothers do it.


Now, it's frowned upon, or hidden away more, whereas bottle feeding can be done anywhere. 

Originally Posted by longcat:

Little girls want to iron like mommy. wash like mommy. walk the baby in the pushchair like mommy. why not feed the baby like mommy? It's just learning through play.

Or little boys, like Daddy! 

Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by longcat:

Here is the video for it. I am not offended by it.

oooh well done longcat


I did cringe I have to say

Me too.  


I`m imagining children getting them from Santa. Christmas day - granny and grandad come to visit. Their wee precious is sitting breast feeding their new dolly.    

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by longcat:

Little girls want to iron like mommy. wash like mommy. walk the baby in the pushchair like mommy. why not feed the baby like mommy? It's just learning through play.

Or little boys, like Daddy! 


I don't think breastfeeding is more frowned upon now.  I think its more encouraged and acceptable, certainly from when i was a kid and rightly so, it's the natural way of doing things.  Only the other week I was walking round Ikea and there was a woman sitting on one of the chairs breastfeeding away   


But if the kid wants to be like 'mum' can she not just hold the doll up to her...why the need for the suckling?


Originally Posted by Scotty:


I`m imagining children getting them from Santa. Christmas day - granny and grandad come to visit. Their wee precious is sitting breast feeding their new dolly.    

  oh could you imagine!    Though after a few drinks they'll all want a go

Originally Posted by Temps:

I don't think breastfeeding is more frowned upon now.  I think its more encouraged and acceptable, certainly from when i was a kid and rightly so, it's the natural way of doing things.  Only the other week I was walking round Ikea and there was a woman sitting on one of the chairs breastfeeding away   


But if the kid wants to be like 'mum' can she not just hold the doll up to her...why the need for the suckling?


I mean compared to years and years ago, before bottle feeding was invented.

Women are still being  chucked off buses, or out of shops etc, because someone has complained.

Originally Posted by longcat:

Little girls want to iron like mommy. wash like mommy. walk the baby in the pushchair like mommy. why not feed the baby like mommy? It's just learning through play.

Sorry, I don`t agree longcat. There`s difference between all that you`ve mentioned and a child pretend breast feeding a dolly. Apart from the sight of it, which I find unsavoury, I don`t see why they have to learn about breast feeding at such a tender age. They`re just children. 

I knew very little about that when I was a child. I breastfed my children, it came naturally. 


All this new fangled stuff gets on ma nerves! 





Originally Posted by Scotty:

Sorry, I don`t agree longcat. There`s difference between all that you`ve mentioned and a child pretend breast feeding a dolly. Apart from the sight of it, which I find unsavoury, I don`t see why they have to learn about breast feeding at such a tender age. They`re just children. 

I knew very little about that when I was a child. I breastfed my children, it came naturally. 


All this new fangled stuff gets on ma nerves! 





Mine all did it, anyway! 


My eldest used to lift her t-shirt up, to do it. 

Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Scotty:


I`m imagining children getting them from Santa. Christmas day - granny and grandad come to visit. Their wee precious is sitting breast feeding their new dolly.    

  oh could you imagine!    Though after a few drinks they'll all want a go


Oh no! I`m picturing granny now!    


I'm not comfortable with it. Yes it's normal for little girls to want an ironing board, a mini pram or a pretend kitchen...but a realistic 'breastfeeding' doll? Nah. I wouldn't feel comfortable at all seeing a little girl 'playing' with the doll in a public place like on the bus or in a doctors surgery.


There's no 'shame' in breastfeeding at all, it's completely natural and I see nothing wrong with kids understanding it, if anything it's a good thing, but there's a difference in wanting to copy mummy doing it and owning a doll that actually emulates what she's doing.

Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'm not comfortable with it. Yes it's normal for little girls to want an ironing board, a mini pram or a pretend kitchen...but a realistic 'breastfeeding' doll? Nah. I wouldn't feel comfortable at all seeing a little girl 'playing' with the doll in a public place like on the bus or in a doctors surgery.



Ah, see I'd rather little girls were sitting there doing pretendy breast feeding, while the boys were doing the pretendy ironing and cooking! 


That's what my kids grew up seeing. 

Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'm not comfortable with it. Yes it's normal for little girls to want an ironing board, a mini pram or a pretend kitchen...but a realistic 'breastfeeding' doll? Nah. I wouldn't feel comfortable at all seeing a little girl 'playing' with the doll in a public place like on the bus or in a doctors surgery.


There's no 'shame' in breastfeeding at all, it's completely natural and I see nothing wrong with kids understanding it, if anything it's a good thing, but there's a difference in wanting to copy mummy doing it and owning a doll that actually emulates what she's doing.

did you watch Longcat's clip?

Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'm not comfortable with it. Yes it's normal for little girls to want an ironing board, a mini pram or a pretend kitchen...but a realistic 'breastfeeding' doll? 

to be fair, i find all that stuff pretty offensive too

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'm not comfortable with it. Yes it's normal for little girls to want an ironing board, a mini pram or a pretend kitchen...but a realistic 'breastfeeding' doll? Nah. I wouldn't feel comfortable at all seeing a little girl 'playing' with the doll in a public place like on the bus or in a doctors surgery.



Ah, see I'd rather little girls were sitting there doing pretendy breast feeding, while the boys were doing the pretendy ironing and cooking! 



Originally Posted by Temps:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'm not comfortable with it. Yes it's normal for little girls to want an ironing board, a mini pram or a pretend kitchen...but a realistic 'breastfeeding' doll? Nah. I wouldn't feel comfortable at all seeing a little girl 'playing' with the doll in a public place like on the bus or in a doctors surgery.


There's no 'shame' in breastfeeding at all, it's completely natural and I see nothing wrong with kids understanding it, if anything it's a good thing, but there's a difference in wanting to copy mummy doing it and owning a doll that actually emulates what she's doing.

did you watch Longcat's clip?

Not yet I'm trying to multi-task here but not doing it very well...I'll have a look in a bit

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Sorry, I don`t agree longcat. There`s difference between all that you`ve mentioned and a child pretend breast feeding a dolly. Apart from the sight of it, which I find unsavoury, I don`t see why they have to learn about breast feeding at such a tender age. They`re just children. 

I knew very little about that when I was a child. I breastfed my children, it came naturally. 


All this new fangled stuff gets on ma nerves! 





Mine all did it, anyway! 


My eldest used to lift her t-shirt up, to do it. 


That`s a new one on me Blizzie but fair enough. 



Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

I'm not comfortable with it. Yes it's normal for little girls to want an ironing board, a mini pram or a pretend kitchen...but a realistic 'breastfeeding' doll? 

to be fair, i find all that stuff pretty offensive too

 there is nothing more offensive to me than an iron.


although i am all for progression i don't like this doll, "mummy" and "daddy" do lots of things which i wouldn't want a child to emulate and that is the crux of it all - CHILD- let a child play with child things at a childs age let them grow up later and leave childhood to children 


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