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I don't understand why he "needs to know" these thiings.
He doesn't need to know, he wants to know. Fair enough if they say it's none of his business but let's remember that what he's really saying to them is 'you're both fake and it's painfully obvious'. And he's right as far as the vast majority of people are concerned. He's perfectly within his rights to say so.

Ditto Dave the idiotic Drunk Monk he's fooling nobody and the wheelchair video is disgusting. If he wants to say that too he's also well within his rights.
Ditto Dave the idiotic Drunk Monk he's fooling nobody and the wheelchair video is disgusting. If he wants to say that too he's also well within his rights.
Absolutely ...but how can the monk possibly justify that?

I really hope Sam's 'honesty' whether BB contrived or not does not backfire on him ... watching LF at the moment ... Farmer Giles trying to justify her 'relationship' with crab eyes
I don't really like any of the HM's including Sam, so I don't really care who does what - or to whom. It's all a bit of a diverstion for a little while, if nothing else.

What I do believe is that Sam is doing BB's bidding (thanks for that word elsewhere Brisket!), and that at some stage they will turn on him and he'll be tucked up royally too.
It's academic Cosmo. He's out as soon as they can nom him anyway. His stay in the BB house will be brief but unforgettable
Yep.  But he's in for another week at least...... until he's available to be nominated.
In the meantime I can't see BB giving him a free rein all the way;  they'll show something on screen to twist the knife.
I can't see BB giving him a free rein all the way;  they'll show something on screen to twist the knife.
I can see why you think that. It certainly looks as though he was sent in with strict orders to ruffle as many feathers as is humanly possible in the shortest space of time. But I actually believe he may well just be an argumentative, opinionated obnoxious little git without any 'gentle' persuasion 
Reference ~Lee~ Today at 01:22:
 Last Edited: Reference: "What I do believe is that Sam is doing BB's bidding (thanks for that word elsewhere Brisket!), and that at some stage they will turn on him and he'll be tucked up royally too"
Off course, and we really do have to question the motive.
One of Sam's friends was interviewed on BBLB yesterday (Sunday) and according to him, Sam always behaves like this, and even his close friends describe him as "annoying".
I've no doubt that his behaviour suits BB, and was the reason why they put him in, but from what I've heard from those who know Sam, I'm equally certain that BB hasn't done some "deal" with him (or more to the point: if BB has instructed him to behave in that way, they didn't need to, as he always intended to do so anyway!)
Eugene's Lair
If he didn't agree to it then he wouldn't have gained entry to the house....? Funny how BB selected him when the GP had shown favouritism for Sexy Fat Guy. And of course, the HM's rejected him first time round (a spectacular majority if I recall).
Lord knows Cosi but I suppose he knows anyone going in at this late stage and winning are almost non existent so he's nothing to lose.

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