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i got neighbours

and they row

i mean they go off like ballistic missiles

they shout scream break things

they moved in about 8months ago

i know ive mentioned this before by the way

shes this gi f*cking normas black woman

he's skinny white bloke

he got a kid who is a bit odd

kid is 13(another story)

but they shout & scream & argue

its so loud it makes my greyhounds quiver


theyve done it again

last night at about 11.00pm

and just now

i feel sorry for the lad


would you say anything?


i wanna knock the door & tell 'em to belt up

but a bit worried incase i cause more rows


but i will not have my dogs cowering

it's quiet now


just want your opinion

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Originally Posted by Baz:

Difficult one pirate They don't sound like they are very reasonable people !  Is it private housing ? Or is their a landlord ? If so, perhaps talk to him/her 

our house is bought

they rent theirs

best thing is she told us when she moved in that she's a social worker

she works funny hours cos she gets called into places anytime day/night to look after kids!

and through the walls you can hear her call her boyfriends lad all kinds of cnuts

narsty woman

Originally Posted by erinp:

Bang all your pot and pans tomorrow at 5 am ,see if they like it .

actually me & step bro was in garden last wednesday pissed & laughing very loud

i fell over-bro was trying to pick me up

bro said next day he was sure rowdy people next door came out to see what the noise was about

1st time theyve ever heard a noise from here


it's a difficult one pirate - are you on speaking terms with them as in saying hello and stuff?


If you are you could say something to him jokingly along the lines of bloomin hell mate good to see you're in once piece - thought she'd killed you with all that racket then smile or laugh.  That way they'll realise that you can hear everything.


if you can sort it without having to resort to contacting their landlord or the noise abatement team, then so much the better.  Although be prepared to have to do it, if they don't cool it 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

it's a difficult one pirate - are you on speaking terms with them as in saying hello and stuff?


If you are you could say something to him jokingly along the lines of bloomin hell mate good to see you're in once piece - thought she'd killed you with all that racket then smile or laugh.  That way they'll realise that you can hear everything.


if you can sort it without having to resort to contacting their landlord or the noise abatement team, then so much the better.  Although be prepared to have to do it, if they don't cool it 

if i hear any loudness tonight again

im gonna knock the social workers door & tell her to belt up

if i dont i wont

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Bang all your pot and pans tomorrow at 5 am ,see if they like it .

actually me & step bro was in garden last wednesday pissed & laughing very loud

i fell over-bro was trying to pick me up

bro said next day he was sure rowdy people next door came out to see what the noise was about

1st time theyve ever heard a noise from here


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