So when I got home I took Son out into the garden for a chat. He wasn't happy but wasn't as openly nasty as earlier, just distant.
I explained calmly how I felt and put together all the reasons of the why's and wherefore's of why it wasn't appropriate. I didn't need the sex chat because we have had that and watch Embarressing bodies and The Sex Education Show together but wanted to bring home to him the fact we haven't even had a girl for tea let alone in the house overnight.
That conversation was uneventful from him anyway and he wandered off without saying much.
Hubby came and sat in the garden with me then because we hadn't acually had a chance to sit and talk about it and he did point something out that made me feel a bit better. After Son's birthday he went to our neighbours to say thanks for his card and gift and their daughter was ironing in the kitchen with just her bra on. When he came back in he said Sasha hugged me IN HER BRA! We did take the mickey a little and he took it in good spirits and when I saw Sash she said he went all red and didn't know where to put his hands! So after reminding me of that and the fact he's our son and not Ron Jeremy I felt a little better.
A little later he came down and asked if she could come to tea and stay the evening tonight, I said yes and he asked if I could take her home about 21.30. I said that was fine, he also said he was going round to hers to meet her mum on Thursday. I did reiterate that just because he got 2 parent visits sorted it didn't change my mind for Friday night.
I came upstairs for BB at 10 and within minutes he was sat with me, I knew things were better between us because he wanted play Knuckles with me. (lol)
He said that she had text him in the morning and suggested it and I tried to say to him they should be planning a trip to the cinema or roller disco not planning an overnight stay in his room and about 10 minutes in to the convo he said, I know, mum. While I had his attention and a glimmer of understanding I, again, tried to talk to him and he genuinely seemed to get it.
Anyway, I'm real nervous about tonight and the fact that she has now turned (in my mind) to some sort of Jordanesque type character.
Holy cow, this has turned into some sort of online therapy, it's good to get it all out.