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Originally posted by Towno Smiler:
Originally posted by Sunnie:

Agreed. I don't think my mum likes me in the same bed as my husband now lol.
However, you are completely right and I do always try and have succeeded up to now, this has put a right fly in my ointment.

You sound lovely - I'm sure you and your son will come to some mutual understanding (where he agrees to back down and do what he's told lol).

Maybe he's just trying to test you and see what he can get away with. The problem with the young uns these days is that they are too keen to be on a fast forward into naughties imho.

What a worry!

How would he feel if your husband had a chat with him? Is he feeling you out cos you're the softer option so he wants to get you on side?

I'm off home soon, but good luck with this one x

Thanks Towno Smiler

I rang his dad (who said no straight away) and was surprised that he didn't already know or been asked. I would have thought he would have tried to get him on side first. Dad makes the small decisions and I make the big ones in my house so he knew it was a biggie to text right away to me.
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Im sorry I cant help hun since I have no kids of my own, Im sure the mothers with teenagers can help you... Hug

Thanks Pretty Smiler

I feel a bit better now and a bit stronger, I'm not going straight home tonight which is good, give him time to talk to his dad (I'm hoping).
First am going to ask about her parents and start from there. Smiler
Oh gawd Sunnie I feel for you, my son never asked for girlfriends to stay and when I brought the subject up one time he said it was because he respected us too much,( more like he did'nt want to hear him getting down and dirty).. Ninja..But on the other hand my nephew did ask us but he was 19 and she was nearly 17 and we allowed it because of the distance..Can you get in touch with her parents as he could be blagging you and she's told them she's staying at a girlfriends....
Have you spoken to the girl's parents about the staying over bit as they may be led to believe that it is ok with you. You must stick to your guns though and not give in - kids under your roof (no matter what age) must have boundaries. They will appreciate you for it in later life.

Bringing kids up is the hardest job in the world. Good Luck xxx
ohhh here you go plan

say ok well if this is going to happen we need to have a family get together with her parents...and the two of you have a birds and bees chat and a contreceptive show n tell......ask im his intentions and her history.....

that should set them in to embaresment enough never to warrent asking again pproblem solved.....

hope your feeling a bit stronger and better ....
hi Sunnie xxx

I would be more concerned about having a total stranger coming into my house tbh. You don't know her from Adam, and you only have your son's word for it that she is ok. You should be given the opportunity to make your own mind up about her by meeting her first. It is moving at the speed your son wants, but you have to put the brakes on for him as he is only fifteen. Sunnie, I would say no this time but invite her over ASAP to meet her. You will be able to make a judgment if she is the sort of girl you would want your son to associate with. The sex thing would happen anyway even if she didn't stop over, if that is what they want to do. Separate rooms is a given if she stays at your house in the future.

Good luck Sunnie Hug
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by loislane:
Himself & girlfriend have some "plans" made for friday night. That's why he's angry, with you saying no it makes him look foolish in front of his girlfriend. It sounds to me they are planning to get hot & heavy very fast. Only my opinion.

Nod That's where the anger is coming from.

I think a condoms and chlamydia talk is on the cards ... but perhaps not until the stayover has been sorted.
Oh Sunnie, what can I say? My youngest son hasn't reached that stage yet. It would seem tho that there is an awful lot of peer pressure on youngsters today Frowner As you have never met this girl really (imo) doesn't come into the equation, if she regularly came to tea for 2 months you still wouldn't be happy for them to share a room. I know if they want to have sex they will find a way, but if you agree you are condoning illegal going on's. I'd let her stay after getting to know her, but still insist they have seperate rooms and strategically place drawing pins all over the landing. Hug Valentine
So when I got home I took Son out into the garden for a chat. He wasn't happy but wasn't as openly nasty as earlier, just distant.
I explained calmly how I felt and put together all the reasons of the why's and wherefore's of why it wasn't appropriate. I didn't need the sex chat because we have had that and watch Embarressing bodies and The Sex Education Show together but wanted to bring home to him the fact we haven't even had a girl for tea let alone in the house overnight.
That conversation was uneventful from him anyway and he wandered off without saying much.
Hubby came and sat in the garden with me then because we hadn't acually had a chance to sit and talk about it and he did point something out that made me feel a bit better. After Son's birthday he went to our neighbours to say thanks for his card and gift and their daughter was ironing in the kitchen with just her bra on. When he came back in he said Sasha hugged me IN HER BRA! We did take the mickey a little and he took it in good spirits and when I saw Sash she said he went all red and didn't know where to put his hands! So after reminding me of that and the fact he's our son and not Ron Jeremy I felt a little better.
A little later he came down and asked if she could come to tea and stay the evening tonight, I said yes and he asked if I could take her home about 21.30. I said that was fine, he also said he was going round to hers to meet her mum on Thursday. I did reiterate that just because he got 2 parent visits sorted it didn't change my mind for Friday night.
I came upstairs for BB at 10 and within minutes he was sat with me, I knew things were better between us because he wanted play Knuckles with me. (lol)
He said that she had text him in the morning and suggested it and I tried to say to him they should be planning a trip to the cinema or roller disco not planning an overnight stay in his room and about 10 minutes in to the convo he said, I know, mum. While I had his attention and a glimmer of understanding I, again, tried to talk to him and he genuinely seemed to get it.
Anyway, I'm real nervous about tonight and the fact that she has now turned (in my mind) to some sort of Jordanesque type character.
Holy cow, this has turned into some sort of online therapy, it's good to get it all out.
I'm chuffed you've been able to speak to him and sort things out (for now at least).

He sounds lovely! I'd be more worried about 'Sash' in her undies LOL.

It's funny how you've imagined his gf to be some sort of temptress - you'll have to fill us in on what she's really like.

Perhaps when you take her home you could say hi to her folks?
Towno :)
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Sunnie, you sound like you have a lovely relationship with your son. Nod
I'm glad talking sensibly has done the trick - you've obviously brought him up in an atomosphere of mutual respect, and he seems to have respected your view and realised that, in some areas, grown-ups really do know best! Thumbs Up

Smiler Cheers for that, I don't think it's over at the moment but I don't feel as desperate as yesterday, that feeling was horrible.
The proof is in the pudding as they say, I just hope he doesn't get given too much pudding too quickly... Disappointed
Originally posted by RZB:
I came upstairs for BB at 10 and within minutes he was sat with me, I knew things were better between us because he wanted play Knuckles with me. (lol)

Laugh....this bit made me laugh Sunnie.

It's sounds like the situation is being sorted

Kids eh...... Roll Eyes

Indeed. Smiler

My son is one of them kids never happier or loving you more til he's play fighting with you.
When he puts his hand under my neck I make this noise
and he loves it, lol.

@ Trix_ster.

Not being comfortable is a big part of my plans Smiler
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Sunnie, you sound like you have a lovely relationship with your son. Nod
I'm glad talking sensibly has done the trick - you've obviously brought him up in an atomosphere of mutual respect, and he seems to have respected your view and realised that, in some areas, grown-ups really do know best! Thumbs Up

Couldn't have put that better myself. Well handled Sunnie, your son sounds like a nice lad. Hug
Queen of the High Teas
*whispers I'm here now! She's here too. She's absolutely dinky! My son is almost 6 ft and she can't be more than 5ft2! Appears very sweet and said all the right things, nice to meet you etc...
She's not staying to tea cos she has to be home by 8 to do some coursework which has pleased me.
The insistence on staying the night doesn't really fall into place at the mo, I need to speak to Son really, can't wait to get him to myself!
On a good note I asked him to make a jug of juice for them and slipped in you get thirsty when snogging and he said he hadn't kissed her yet. Phew!
I just don't know what to think, I certainly need to know more.
To be continued....Wink

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