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This news appear to be too big for people.
Nobody is reacting how they should on the announcement of - at the least - a new species of humanoid on Earth, that could even be an extra-terrestrial.
It's as if people are waiting for someone else to react first, or the mass media (although the Huff Post has already covered this).
We had a thread on SIRIUS the movie but at that time did not know the result of the DNA test they were going to do on a recovered ET body. Now we know.
A Stanford University scientist, Dr. Garry Nolan, the Director of Stem Cell Biology at Stanford University, tested the DNA and confirmed in the movie the humanoid looking specimen was in fact a real, biological being when it was alive.
He has not claimed it is an off-planet being but between him and another specialist they have ruled out it is a human (e.g. deformed fetus) or primate in origin.

Tell everyone you know so the news becomes mainstream
The most exciting new information in the film was how top scientists at Stanford University have now successfully analyzed, DNA-sampled and DNA-tested this humanoid specimen.
As it turns out, it IS biological. We now have absolute proof, from leading world experts, that this being was a living, six-inch-tall humanoid organism.
Dr. Garry Nolan, the Director of Stem Cell Biology at Stanford, was willing to risk possible harassment, career ruin or even assassination to conduct the tests and determine what the Atacama humanoid may be -- and / or what it is not.
We see Nolan's undergraduate degree from Cornell and Ph.D. from Stanford hanging on the wall.
To aid the investigation, Dr. Garry Nolan then commandeered one of the top genetic experts in the world on fetal mutations and deformities -- Dr. Ralph S. Lachman.
As Dr. Nolan reveals, Dr. Lachman literally wrote the book on childhood skeletal dysplasia -- which would be the only conceivable avenue for skeptics to attack this case as being merely a conventional human baby, or a non-human primate.
Although Lachman was not willing to go on camera, he produced a written statement for SIRIUS -- indicating that the many anomalies of this little being, including a massive cranial vault and only 10 ribs instead of the normal 12, do not match with any known human deformities or mutations.
He did NOT say this was an extraterrestrial. He DID say, in his professional opinion, that we have never seen any human being on Earth like this.
Not once. Not ever.
We know it is human, or human-like, thanks to Dr. Nolan's DNA testing. We know it is not a fetus. It grew to be at least six years of age.
We also know that we have never seen a living human anywhere near this small. There are many, many anomalies in its physiology that cannot be explained.
Furthermore, despite its small stature, it strongly resembles the appearance of beings we have seen in various UFO contact reports.

^^ This is being discussed elsewhere on the web Velvet. Dr. Greer( who I've known of for some time) has has been part of The Disclosure Project for many years and is involved with the film. Before the film was released pics of the being were released, also showing an X ray of it. At that time no DNA or other tests had been done.Because of the size some on the web discarded it as a fake. Later the DNA tests were said to show that the being was not of the human race. One person I know online who's seen the film said it's very interesting and recommends it for anyone interested in the subject. This planet is billions of years old and the history books cannot cover all the ancient history of what has happened over eons of time. I always keep an open mind about anything I don't personally know the answer to, anything is possible and personally I have no problem in accepting the probability of et races being a part of the multiverses.

Yellow Rose

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