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Karma, it's a good job you can still laugh about it

I wasn't earlier this week when I changed painkillers and had to wait for the fecker to kick in (which it didn't). Spent 3 days climbing the walls Yesterday evening was when I started floating again (thanks to dodgy Doc). Shouldn't be on both Fen and Tram together but it's an emergency measure (and shuts me up moaning at the emergency doc service). But thank you x

Anyhooo, back to the weed thingy. I think the Government's campaign to try and promote weed as an evil drug that will make you do things like hallucinate and murder people is stupid. You don't hallucinate on weed and if you are in the mood to murder someone, weed is not the drug to take cos you'll end up moving like a tortoise and probably end up laughing your head off and dropping the weapon before you do the deed anyway.
I've tried a few with varying degrees of success. Pot made me fall asleep. Grass made me laugh (a lot) and is definitely the only drug I've taken that I thought was worth it. Cocaine kept me awake but gave me no 'high' much to the annoyance of people who had paid for it (I never bought it, and stopped after trying it a few times it literally had no effect on me). Speed kept me awake and I could never tell the difference between speed and coke they both had the same effect on me. I took it while on tour with a band to keep me awake and alert, then stopped and never took it again.

LSD, smack etc, never tried any of them because the idea of it just scared me. I don't want hallucinations that are out of my control.
I forgot to mention E. I think I had it once in the US in a club and it made me go kind of loopy. I don't actually know if I enjoyed it or not (I don't remember a thing apart from going loopy) but all involved seemed to think we all had a great time. I'll just have to take their word for it.
that sounds more like ketamine.... which used to get punted as E...  

you'd "lose" the whole night...  not remember a thing, if you'd had a good time or not...   or where the hell your other trainer went! 

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