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His day-to-day communication is peppered with F words.
He seems to gripe about people (via BB and nominations) but not face to face.
Does he not approach the person he has 'awkwardness' with and discuss it?
His preferred method seems to be to have some sort of outburst, where he loudly proclaims to the world (or whoever is listening) a feeling of anger. He seems to prefer muttering and complaining to somebody else rather than the person with whom he has an issue.

Cowardly? Lack of skills?
Other housemates have said tonight that they would not like to be around if Nathan "cracks".
Does Nathan have communication problems?

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Thankfully I've not seen much of him but when I have I can't stand him. Anyone who uses the F word every 3/4 words is a turn off for me anyway, personal opinion but that's a lack of communication skills. He's just too rough for me physically and verbally.

I can see he'll sail through for quite a few weeks because of his low profile as BB are concentrating more on other Hm's. When he eventually goes I won't miss him at all
Yellow Rose
The way i see him is that he doesnt raise any subject with them because it would just cause an argument, i think he genuinely is just there for a good time. He rants about them in the diary room because thats his oppertunity to vent, but in actual fact none of them mean that much to him he wants to raise it with them.

When he thought jj was in the wrong over racheal at the dinner table he was really vocal and told them to keep it away from the table.

So I dont think he has communication problems I just think he thinks they are all a bit something or nothing. I do like him because when he speaks his mind, he says it how it is, or how I see it
He sounds a bit Cavemannish to me
I normally quite like a bit of the caveman in a guy   I haven't seen enough of Nathan to make a judgement, however I did like when he brought JJ's tantrum to an end at the dinner table recently.  "I'm not 'avin this at dinner table, not while I'm 'avin me tea!"   (Then he grunted "ugg" and dragged a chicken bone into the snug to devour it)

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