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I missed it,we had visitors and when I was last watching LF Barbie Boy was at Ben about doing dishes to which Ben replied he does more than him.....Has there been a single day some of those HM's haven't had a pop at Ben for something or other....I have to admit I think if I were him I'd have told them all where to go by now and left.
Ben says we don't have the money to act as an international police force and we shouldn't be getting involved in countries like Afghanistan. Well said that man!!
I totally agree, I admire the way Ben stands up for what he believes in and won't kowtow to the majority view. Dave and Mario and JJ show themselves up for the way they keep up the bullying.  As for Steve I have no respect for him whatsoever, I don't see what positive aspects he is bringing to the house.
Bens problem in the house is he sits all day with whoever bitching about  the others and if one of the others comes into the room he will then start going on about someone else, and then say to the person who he was previously talking about I know your not like that,he does it all the time,they all bitch but bitching  about his friends behind their backs was a mistake,and does he ever go on and on,some of the stuff he was saying would ruffle most peoples feathers but he can never admitt he can be wrong and starts trying to justify whatever he has said.

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